What is a Spiritualist? – Elizabeth Rose
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What is a Spiritualist?

Spiritualism is an ambivalent subject. Is it a religion? Is it philosophical? Is it scientific? What are its origins? What are its concepts? What is a spiritualist? These are all questions that many non-believers and indeed, believers, commonly seek answers to.

What is Spiritualism?

Many believe that Spiritualism originated in the mid 1800s, through the age-old tale of the Fox sisters in New York.

In 1848, two sisters Maggie and Kate Fox from Hydesville, New York, discovered that invisible entities would repeat acts or “rappings” upon request e.g. clicking fingers twice.

As a result, Kate and Margaret became well-known mediums, and the world of spiritualism was unveiled – with these so called “rappings” remaining a modern-day method in communicating with spirits.

For many Christians, though, Spiritualism dates back well before the Fox sisters. As Jesus was resurrected 11 times after his death upon the cross, it is believed that he died in the flesh and returned in spirit form, demonstrating the legitimacy of ancient Spiritualism.

So, referring back to what Spiritualism actually is, there are many conflicting definitions of the term. The National Spiritualist Association of Churches claims it is;

“The science, philosophy and religion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship with those who live in the Spirit World.”

This wordy and quite frankly complex definition has since been simplified, with Spiritualism now being seen as, succinctly, “The proof of survival”.

What are the main concepts?

In terms of the fundamental concepts of Spiritualism, there are 3 main beliefs held by those invested in the Spirit World:

  1. There is personal and conscious survival of bodily death
  2. Death is the transition from one realm of awareness and life to another
  3. Communication between this world and the world of Spirit is possible, provided that certain conditions apply

This then begs the question, who can communicate between these worlds? And why can they?

What is a Spiritualist?

These people are called Spiritualists, or mediums.

They have the ability to detect energies from the spirit world and can demonstrate various supernatural skills such as speaking in tongues, spiritual healing and clairvoyance. It’s worth noting that when a spirit communicates to a medium, it is a positive, charitable act to benefit the living, not so much something to be feared.

People who follow spiritualism may well have religious beliefs, but many do so merely out of curiosity. The findings spiritualism can uncover, and the revelations it can bring to those who have lost loved-ones, makes it an invaluable and precious practice we must all respect.

Why Elizabeth Rose?

Here at Elizabeth Rose, we hold that exact view. Through our years of experience and highly skilled team of mediums, we aim to enlighten clients through giving them accurate, detailed and warming readings.

Our founder Elizabeth Rose herself has previously psyched into guardian angels and uncovered incredible communications in her sittings.

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