What is Astral Projection? – Elizabeth Rose
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What is Astral Projection?

Astral projection is about controlling your soul and where it goes during sleep. Where dreaming is unconscious, astral projection is conscious sleep.

Psychic people and mediums often use it as a technique to connect with other souls and the spirit world. You can speak to people both living and dead as well as your spirit guides. Some people have even claimed to have spoken to extraterrestrials.

What does astral projection feel like?

The feeling when you wake up with a jolt like you are falling is believed to be your soul coming back into your body and is the first step to astral projection. Some people believe that in astral projection you are tied to your physical body with a silver umbilical cord, some even see the cord. Mainly, it is about having an out of body experience and being able to move into another dimension.

Astral projection for beginners

There are many techniques that can help you to astral project and it’s good to try different ones as some may not work for you. We will discuss two of the techniques here but before any attempt to astral project, you will need to enter a relaxed state, perhaps by meditating first. Remember it is unlikely to happen on the first night. Try not to get frustrated and if you do succeed, you can return to your physical body at any time by simply reentering it.

Astral projection techniques;

The Rope Technique

Lay in bed and imagine a rope hanging from your ceiling. Reach out with your imaginary hands and pull yourself hand over hand up the rope. You will start to feel a little dizzy and this will heighten as you climb further up the rope and then your whole body will vibrate until you will eventually feel paralysed. Don’t panic, concentrate only on climbing the rope and you will then feel yourself coming free of your body.

Watch yourself go to sleep technique

Lie down comfortably on your back facing the ceiling and clear your mind. Your intent is to watch yourself fall asleep. Keep telling yourself this intent as your mind stays focused and alert. Repeat to yourself that you will be conscious even when your body is asleep. As you relax further, recognise and be aware of the different sensations moving through your body as it starts to sleep. You may feel numb, heavy, vibrating, tingling or a floating feeling. Next, visualise rising up from your body and floating towards the ceiling. Try to imagine how it would feel to float and keep this feeling in mind. Hold onto this image and if it works, you’ll start to float up.

Astral projection dangers

Some people say that if the silver umbilical cord is severed you will leave your physical body entirely, however, there’s no way of knowing this is true but it would seem highly unlikely. There’s also the worry about entities being able to possess your body while astral travelling but this will only happen if you let it. You may be propositioned by demons but you must ignore them completely. You may get delayed in your return but you won’t get lost from your physical body. You can protect your body, your cord and your astral self by asking your guides for help. Ask for protection and guidance and you will return to your physical body.

Learn how to Astral Project.

Learn more about Outer Body Experiences…

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