Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
Your weekly horoscope from Monday 3rd March – Sunday 9th March
During the first part of the week, it is vital to focus on your work. Allowing yourself to be sidetracked by personal issues is going to hinder your progress. You will succeed in a project by joining forces with someone who you’d never considered to be an ally – and will make a firm friend out of it. Be accepting of an invitation to somewhere out of your comfort zone.
What does being a Taurean mean?
Taurus is the second astrological sign of the Zodiac and runs from April 20th to May 20th. It is typically represented by the Bull sign.
Elizabeth Rose provide weekly and monthly Taurus horoscopes – please view them online at www.elizabethrose.com
Taurus Strengths:
Loyal, patience, persistent and dependable
Taurus Weaknesses:
Lazy, self-indulgent, stubborn and materialistic
Taurus traits:
Taurean’s are very perseverant and do not give up easily, even after others have fallen by the wayside. They are extremely stubborn and this isn’t always a bad thing to be. Being very down to earth, they often do not materialistic things in high regard and are not flashy or over the top. Taurean’s are most happy when they feel secure, whether this be in a relationship or in a work setting. Unfortunately, they are an incredibly lazy sign and you should bear this in mind if you like an ‘active’ partner.
How to attract a Taurus woman:
The Taurean woman knows how to seduce and you should let her get her way in this regard. You need to be able to offer her stability and security and in return she will be an affectionate partner. She likes to be treated in quite an old fashioned way, for example wining and dining. Once you have her she will be devoted and loyal. Beware of crossing her though as her stubbornness and temper can be quite challenging!
How to attract a Taurus man:
If you want to be swept off of your feet then the Taurean man is now for you. He is very sensible, practical and down to earth and yearns for a woman of quality. One that will make him feel comfortable and loved. Once he has decided on a partner he will cherish her and put her high on a pedestal. If you can make a Taurean male laugh he will want to spend time with you and once you have him he will be loyal and faithful.
Career Aspirations for Taurus
These people tend to be steady, patient and like to see a project to the end, they have sticking power and are very suitable for jobs in farming, finance, and politicians. Often chefs are born under the sign of Taurus, they are well known for liking food and love luxury. They can be very stubborn and they will dig their heels in at inappropriate moments. Artists are often born under the sign of Taurus but they make good leaders to.