Virgo – 17th April to 23rd April – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers


Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will need a refresher or to study something in order to get what you want on the job front. It should not be a problem though you have the ability just concentrate persist and be patient and you will get there. A silly disagreement with a loved one could escalate if you are not careful, may be one of you is just tired and irritable, just stand back if you can. You will not be able to resist a holiday that is on offer.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Someone that has been flirting with you for a while will suddenly become serious, which will surprise you as you had not really thought that they were really interested in you at all and that it was all just banter. A close friend will suddenly seem distant with you and you will wonder what is going on. Time will solve this situation, it seems that you will have to be tactful as there is a bit of a delicate situation going on.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be expected to carry on with something although you had taken it on originally as a favour. It is time to speak up if you don’t want to carry on with it. An unexpected cash amount will have you feeling very pleased with yourself. Singles will seriously consider finishing a recent relationship. However an exciting holiday affair is on the horizon! A friend will help you out in some way as a thank you from the past.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel like you are the only one working at work. It seems that others are slacking and chatting and relying on the fact that you will pick up things they have not done. You need to put your foot down and read them the riot act. Singles will feel excited when someone they have already met wants to see them again. A few of you will meet together and decide to form a club or group of your own.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
News from another country will cause eyebrows to be raised. The job front looks good and if you are thinking of a move an opportunity will shortly appear. You might have to rearrange something at the very last minute, which will be quite annoying especially as it could have been avoided if you had spotted things earlier. Romance is in the air for singles this weekend especially where there are attractive coloured lights.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
It seems that you just cannot get through to some people so you might just as well give up on them and make your life less stressful. Some very good news on someone’s career that you are following closely. You will look at booking some kind of cruise and find a very good bargain. If you are thinking of moving from where you are working you will find that an opportunity will soon appear for you.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will think about asking a friend to do some travelling with you. News from friends or family from another country will be quite exciting, and an invite will be offered to you to visit them. A special occasion coming up will have you heading for a retail therapy day to get yourself a new outfit. You will be pleased when you are unexpectedly invited out for a posh afternoon tea.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A recent situation at work will have you seething and thinking about it at home. You will wonder what to do about it and sway from one decision to another. May be wait till you feel calm about it before deciding what to do would be the best thing? You will be delighted to hear from one member of your family and make some exciting plans to meet and to go out together.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will have a day trip that will involve you going underground in some way, could be a cave or visiting some kind of cellars or deep under ground. Any way whatever it is will be very interesting and filling you in on things that you did not know. You will think about spending rather a lot of money on some boots or shoes and toy with the idea before you clinch the deal.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel a bit fed up in a relationship as you have been very patient and given your partner time after time chances to put things right. So now you will feel that it is getting to be decision time. Well after all the talking and trying to solve a problem it is still there the only way to get rid of the stress it to get rid of the problem altogether, by walking away or giving up on it.