Virgo – 4th September to 10th September – Elizabeth Rose
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Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will look at the many restaurants that are offering a Christmas lunch and after a discussion with others you will put a deposit down, however it will not be your first choice that you settle for. May be the first choice is already booked up. Singles will look at the singles holidays that are going around the autumn time and be very tempted. An invitation to a birthday party will be very interesting to you when you realize who else is going.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will have some good ideas where work is concerned and discuss it with someone who is close to you. You will think about changing your garden in some way and you will get a couple of quotes before deciding what to do. A partner will have good news where work is concerned. Unexpected money will cheer you up, and you will think about going away for a break and to recharge your batteries.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
It looks like you will get involved with two other people romantically and it will get so complicated. The best plan is to draw back from both for a while and see how you feel then, you might then be able to make a decision, but it will not be easy. You will get the chance for a few days away for a relaxing break, may be in the countryside, however it will not be somewhere busy. Afterwards you will be able to collect your thoughts and move forward.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel that you are being passed over or taken for granted in some way at work and decide to talk to someone about it. Some kind of work will need to be done to the outside of your home and you will need to look at one or two quotes before deciding, as it could cost a lot more than anticipated. A relationship will seem to be a bit boring and you will wonder what to do about it, as you do not want to hurt the other person’s feelings.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will take time to plan a train journey; it will be something that you have not done before. A relation that has not been heard of for a long time will turn up out of the blue and create a lot of interest. You will be surprised when you receive an invitation to a wedding. You will think about buying a new bed and take a good look around at what is on offer before you decide. You may well end up decorating the bedroom as well.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
On examining your cases at the last minute, although you don’t want to, you will have to buy a new suitcase but it will be well worth it in the end. The finances will start to improve and it will be helped by a bit of unexpected money arriving out of the blue. Be careful when throwing things away as something that you want to keep could get mixed up with it. You will bake some cakes for a few friends who you will meet for a catch up.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A group of you will get together and organise a holiday of some kind, which you will get very excited about. You will have to replace something in your kitchen will be go all wrong at the last minute. You will think about taking up a new hobby or joining a club of some sort in order to increase your social life. Which will go very well if you do. You will need to de-clutter one area in particular this weekend before you chill out.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A lot of planning will go into a holiday abroad and you will feel quite excited about it. You will have to sort something out in the house that involves pipes; it may also involve your water system. A younger person will ask you to lend them money, think twice about it as you won’t get it back for ages if at all. You will visit someone elderly and feel guilty that you have left it so long, it is just that you have so much to do.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will soon get the chance to go to an exhibition of some kind and it is somewhere that you have always wanted to go to. A partner will seem a bit distant at times or preoccupied in some way and does not seem to want to talk about why that is so. It looks like you will need some patience to discuss things and eventually you will get to the bottom of things. There is a romantic dinner for those in long- term relationships this weekend.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will need to replace a computer and it will be at a most inconvenient time that you realise this. A long-term relationship seems to be fraught with niggles and not as stable as it used to be. A long frank chat is in order, if you leave it; it will go from bad to worse and will not be able to be saved. Some tickets to a music event will soon come your way and you will be thrilled about it. Singles will meet someone new this weekend.