Virgo – 11th November to 17th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
If your relationship is plodding along then schedule some one on one time together where you don’t talk about work, the house or the kids. Focus on the two of you and what you still want from each other and the future. It will bring you closer together knowing you have each other in your plans. Lay the groundwork with your closes manager to let them know you are interested in moving up the ladder.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You are soul searching but coming up empty. You don’t need to do this alone, ask friends and family to help you as they know you best and you’ll be surprised at their suggestions. If you are single then keep an eye out for an old colleague that you once had feelings for, now is the right time to pursue it further. Your insight at work will get you a gold star!

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Focus on ways you can reconnect with your significant other, Virgo. It’s isn’t all roses and champagne, day to day life is boring and repetitive so think about something to liven up the mid week slump. If you’re single then a chance meeting in an eating place will leave you feeling flustered – try to remember to discreetly ask for some way of contacting them – maybe connect on social media first?

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Your analytical tendencies have served you well, Virgo. They will keep you in demand in the workplace and keep your career progressing, however, using the same skills on people can be to your detriment. Not all individuals can be neatly packaged into a box and are just naturally messy and chaotic. Be mindful of pushing yourself too far in the quest for a healthy body – everything in moderation!

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You’ve made such good progress and are near to your goal, so don’t give up now. One last little push will get you over the finish line. It seems you have two choices in matter of the heart, sometimes ‘better the devil you know’ is the best option. Take advice from someone senior to you in the workplace, they have been where you are before and know how to navigate it.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
As a new week starts you will be craving to spend time with a new love interest or significant other. It may be that you have to temper your expectations due to their own commitments and you mustn’t take it to heart. They want to spend time with you, too. Drive and focus on a health kick is starting to wear thin now, keep at it and don’t forget just how far you have come!

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A loved one has miscommunicated their intentions, Virgo. You must allow them to undo their mistake and believe that they are being genuine with their apology. Nothing good will come of pushing and niggling at them. There is a vacancy that is perfect for you but you must overcome your lack of confidence in a certain area – you are more than capable of securing this role so go for it.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel more enabled to speak up, Virgo. With the help of a colleague, an unfairness can and will get stamped out but only if you are brave enough to bring attention to it. A project around the house seems daunting but the sooner you get onto it, the sooner it will get done! It won’t be half as time consuming as you think. Social media can help with handy tips so do a little research before you start.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
It’s worth exploring your option this week, Virgo. Knowing you have choices if option 1 doesn’t quite work out will give you peace of mind. Keeping up appearances is best practise in the workplace whilst you figure out your long-term goal. A new relationship is going to step up and you will consider if it could be more than just a bit of fun.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Someone will deliver a low blow this week, Virgo. You can either duck or face it head on. Either way, there will be little impact long term. A friend will take the moral high ground without knowing all of the facts. A little education from you will set them straight so don’t be afraid to challenge their thinking.