Virgo – 26th September to 2nd October – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers


Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A silly argument with a partner will put you on edge this weekend, however you will need sort it out by the beginning of the week and not let it drag on. Some chores will have to be attended to, but particularly something outside will need to be looked at. A bit of a problem with some technical equipment will also have to be corrected. On the bright side the finances will improve. Those wanting to change jobs will have a breakthrough.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will plan a break by the seaside and welcome the change and the fact that you will be able to recharge your batteries. Singles will have the chance to meet someone new this weekend but friends will also want to go out with you so you will have to choose. You will think about making a cake for someone special. You will be very tempted to try some new beauty treatment.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be very pleased with some kind of kitchen equipment that you have bought after talking with a friend who has something similar. You will have to rearrange some holiday plans, but you will get there in the end. Someone close to you will need some moral support, as their relationship seems to be going downhill. Good news on the financial front as a little unexpected money arrives.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be invited out by friends but hesitate as there will be one person in particular that you will want to avoid if you do go. You will have an invite to visit another country, but it will be next year before you will be able to plan it, as you want it to be. It seems that at work there could be a bit of shuffling round, which will make you a bit anxious but it all seems ok at the end of the day.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
It seems that you will get really fed up of working so hard just to please other people. You will confide in another about a work problem to see if they have any insight on how to deal with things. Double-check any travel details at the last minute, as it will save you many problems later. Singles will get an invite to a party or some kind of interesting event this weekend. New relationships will go up a level to, and all will be happy.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Someone will ask you to help them raise money in some way and you will be only too willing to help, but you will want to do something that you know you will be capable of doing. So just pace yourself and do something that you know that you are capable of. A trip to the seaside will raise your spirits and re-charge your batteries. A trip to solicitors will be very enlightening.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will think about going to a gym; if you are already in a gym, you will think about changing to a new one. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a boat trip of some kind. A child will do very well, and you will sort out some kind of surprise reward for them. Singles will meet someone new and really like them, but be a bit uncertain about them in some way, may be a trust issue?

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Be sure to order a taxi and not leave it till the last minute, or you could have a problem. You will think about buying a flat pack of some kind but you will have problems getting someone to set it up for you. A small cash amount out of the blue will put you in a good mood. You will organise a trip to the seaside that will go down very well. Singles will hear from an old flame.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will want to take control of a situation but find much to your annoyance that others will try and interfere. You will have to stick to your guns before they decide to give up. Singles will hear from an old flame but be in two minds whether to respond or not. The best policy would be to sleep on it before you do anything. A good deal is on the horizon where a holiday is concerned and you will not be able to resist it.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will decide to have a good root through your clothes and throw a lot out and give them to charity, as you will want to update so that you will not feel so out of date. Which will in turn lift your spirits and make you feel a lot better about yourself. Singles will be surprised to hear from an ex but will not know quite how to respond, may be the best plan would be to give yourself time to think about it before acting impulsively.