Virgo – 13th February to 19th February – Elizabeth Rose
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Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel a bit fed up in a relationship as you have been very patient and given your partner time after time chances to put things right. So now you will feel that it is getting to be decision time. Well after all the talking and trying to solve a problem it is still there the only way to get rid of the stress it to get rid of the problem altogether, by walking away or giving up on it.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will think about going self-employed and talk with a close friend about it. You will be very surprised when you here about one particular person who gets pregnant. You will talk soon with someone from another country. You will think about renovating a piece of furniture that you have rather than throw it out. You will be very proud of a child and encourage them as much as you can.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel that you need some space and look to having your own place. It will not go down very well with the people that you are living with. It looks like there are some good deals for those who like cruising but you will have to book quickly before they all the bargains go. Some will think of changing career but it will at an awkward time of your life. However do not get disheartened where there is a will there is a way.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Although a row with someone has led to you not seeing someone for a while, you will still be hoping and waiting to hear from them. It looks as if eventually there will be a contact, but mean while why not move on instead of standing still in your life? The chance to change your job will appear suddenly and you will have to take immediate action if you want it.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel that a partner is taking you for granted and you will decide to put your foot down. They will be quite taken aback and not realize what they are doing, so things will improve immediately after you have your say. In fact, they may well creep round you trying to keep in your good books for quite a while so it will be worth it. You will hear good news from a friend about getting engaged.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will look at your relationship with new eyes after a friend has pointed out one or two things about your relationship that you had not really taken in before. It seems then that you will put everything out of your mind and concentrate on something else for a while. Maybe to process things in your mind, after a while you will realize that you can sit down and deal with it and make a firm decision.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will decide not to bother with any New Year resolutions as you now that you never keep to them. However you will vow to lose a bit of weight and it does look like you will accomplish it. Although it looks as if you will not go on a holiday this year you will find that you will have one and it will be a good one. Singles will join a new dating agency and will meet some really nice people and eventually the one.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel much happier at work now that someone has left. You will make a new friend through some interest that you join. Singles who have been on their own for a long time will have the opportunity to start a new relationship, although they will be wary at first it could go really well if they take one step at a time. You will think about buying a new bed or some bedroom furniture.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be excited by a get together that is coming up, but also feel slight anxiety as there will be someone present that you are not sure about. A small-unexpected cash amount will arrive making your day. Check a wallet or purse or anything containing cash is secure when travelling. Singles will hear from someone that they have not been in contact with for a while.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A family get together will go very well but you will be a bit concerned about one particular person who is there, and you will make up your mind to ask someone about them to see if everything is ok. Someone will buy you some rather upmarket chocolates, which you will be very tempted to open before you should, don’t do it!! A chore that you had been dreading doing and been putting off will be done by someone else, yippee.