Taurus – 11th September to 17th September – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

April 20th – May 20th
The end of a project is in site and you will have a few compliments that will give you that lift to do the final run to finish. You will feel that a partner is being unreasonable where a holiday is concerned and try and talk them round to your way of thinking. Singles will feel happy this weekend with a trip out with friends and this will make them feel a bit more confident about themselves. A bonus or small amount of unexpected cash is on its way.

April 20th – May 20th
You will be a bit concerned about a large bill that is on the horizon, however it does look like it will all work out ok. You will wonder what to do about a noisy neighbour without causing a problem; it does look like some tact is needed in order to solve the problem. You will think about joining a course or group of some kind, may be to introduce you to a new hobby and meet others that have the same interest.

April 20th – May 20th
You will look forward to a holiday that you can go on at a very short notice. Someone close to you seems a bit jealous of your circumstances, may be they are not the friend that you think they are. You will head to a DIY place this weekend with the idea of looking at paint colours and general decorating equipment with the idea of doing up one room in your home. However a partner will not be as enthusiastic and will need a bit of persuasion.

April 20th – May 20th
You will be worried about some kind of check or test but it will not be half as bad as you had thought. You will get to have a trip on the ocean or lake or may be a river any way water is involved, which will be very scenic and relaxing. You will decide to try out a recipe that you have seen on the television and it will go down very well. Singles will look forward to the weekend where they will meet some friends for a good night out.

April 20th – May 20th
You will be concerned about the attitude your partner has with someone else and you will try and get to the bottom of it. The finances will increase during the next few months in a gradual way. This weekend could well see a celebration of some kind that you will be dragged into, but willing!! An invitation to a family event of some kind will please you, but it will involve you changing your plans in some way.

April 20th – May 20th
A long-term relationship will seem to be a bit predictive and boring. You will decide to talk with someone that you can trust about it as you will not know what course of action to take. Somewhere in your home will want updating and bringing up to date but you will be a bit concerned about the cost and put it on hold for a while till you know exactly what it is going to cost. You will feel that a neighbour is behaving a little strangely and decide to have a little chat with them when you get the chance.

April 20th – May 20th
An important appointment could get rescheduled at the last minute, which will mean changing all your other plans to fit in with it. You will think about giving a child a real treat, as you will not have seen them for a while. You will think about changing some furniture and start a bit of research on the kind of thing that you want to get. Singles will think about going on a holiday break with a few friends and carefully look at the budget to see what you can afford.

April 20th – May 20th
You will be a bit annoyed with one member of your family, as you will feel that they are messing you around in some way. You will discover one lie and wonder how many more there are. The finances are looking up and some unexpected money that you had given up on will come in and cheer you up. Singles will arrange to meet someone new this weekend at a local pub. An invitation to a barbeque will please you.

April 20th – May 20th
You will have to find a lot of forms and papers and may be receipts for some kind of claim, it could well turn out to be a bit more complicated than you first thought. Singles will meet someone in a wine bar this weekend that they will have a lot in common with. You will think about taking up a new hobby or interest of some kind. You will be tempted to spend a lot of money on some kind of gadget, think again is it really worth it?

April 20th – May 20th
Something rather expensive will need to be done to your home, so it will need carefully thinking about before launching into. It could cost you a lot more than you thought if you are not careful. A catch up with an old friend is on the cards and it will be a lot more amusing than you thought it would be. Singles will bump into an ex this weekend and realise that there is still a spark between you. A loved one will buy you some beautiful flowers.