Taurus – 25th March to 31st March – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

April 20th – May 20th
You may decide to take a break from work, or go it alone and launch a business, Taurus. Do check the facts first before leaving your current role though and make an informed decision. You will find a new relationship exciting but have a nagging doubt – are you sure you are ready to commit?

April 20th – May 20th
It’s time to let go, Taurus. Hanging on to a stressful situation is crazy, especially as you have the power to change it. Once sorted, the stress and worry will dissipate and you will feel renewed. In a relationship? It is important to communicate your wants and needs clearly. Don’t allow the other person to dominate and have their own way all of the time.

April 20th – May 20th
Let go of the past, Taurus. It is not helpful to continually be wondering ‘what if’ – that time has gone and you need to live in the present. Handle a work issue with caution and don’t gossip. A family member is in need of your help but is too afraid to ask. Offer your time initially and open up communication, this will lead to more understanding of their concerns.

April 20th – May 20th
Your focus should be on work this week, Taurus. Pay attention to management and what they are saying, don’t make the assumption that they are out to as much money as possible, the changes are necessary and not personal. Follow any new policies and rules put into place as they will benefit you greatly long term.

April 20th – May 20th
You have a blank sheet in front of you, Taurus. Take this opportunity to make the changes you so desperately want as now is the perfect time to follow them through. An official looking letter or email is something that needs looking at in more detail as it may not be genuine. Finances are starting to pick up but you still need to keep an eye on your spending, just for a little while longer.

April 20th – May 20th
As the year draws to a close you will reflect on your circumstances and make a vow for next year to make the changes you need to life a full and happy life. A friend will need some support after a tumultuous week and you may need to point them in the direction of professional help for their situation. You will be trusted by a colleague with a secret, and you should really keep this close to your chest.

April 20th – May 20th
Keep your standards high in the workplace, there is much competition and you shouldn’t be dragged down by negativity. A brilliant idea will come to you in the middle of the night and you must make a note straightaway and marvel at your own genius the following morning. Single? A new love interest will make themselves known this week and you won’t fail to notice!

April 20th – May 20th
An investment in property is looking highly likely and you should make an offer on what you think is reasonable, not blindly following the ‘experts’. A note of caution in the workplace, gossip will blow into something much more serious and you should avoid getting involved at all costs. A family member will share some happy news which you will be thrilled about.

April 20th – May 20th
Make time for yourself away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. You’re important, too! A loved one will come to you for help, and you will help them immensely just by being there and not judging. Don’t allow an ex to wheedle their way back into your mind space, they haven’t changed at all no matter what they say.

April 20th – May 20th
It’s that time of year where you need to put your finances in order. Don’t forget your time is just as special as a gift so think of special ways to spend with love ones instead of overstretching your budget. An old friend will reach out but they may have an agenda – listen carefully to what they say and read between the lines.