Taurus – 13th February to 19th February – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

April 20th – May 20th
A friend will depend on your friendship and moral support. You will go out for a lovely meal provided by a voucher that a family member has given you. You will book to go to the theatre to something that you have wanted to go to for a while. You will feel that a friend is avoiding you and ask others if they know what is going on. You will have a go at a new hobby that you have seen someone else doing.

April 20th – May 20th
A trip out for a luxurious afternoon tea will go down very well. The finances will tick over nicely but you will still have to be careful. Singles will meet someone new this weekend who really does interest you on the romantic level and could lead to a long-term relationship. A weekend away will re-charge your batteries and put you in a very good mood. Work will excite you a bit more and make you want to tackle things that you had previously avoided.

April 20th – May 20th
You will be a bit fed up with the winter months and feel that you would like something new to get your teeth into to sparkle up your day a little. You will find many clubs and groups around you and be pleased when you find just the group that you are looking for. A family meal this weekend will go down well although you will avoid speaking to one particular person if you can.

April 20th – May 20th
You will think about getting the state of the art of some technical equipment for your home. It looks as if the possibility of a cruise is on the horizon, and you will not be going alone either!! The finances will settle down and tick over if you stick to your new budget. Singles will be pleased when an old flame contacts them, however they will already have committed themselves to meeting a new love interest!!

April 20th – May 20th
You will think about getting some help with work that needs doing in the house. A relative who has been a bit distant will suddenly want to be your best friend. You will suspect their motives and be a bit wary about going back to how things were. You will think about changing your diet in some way after seeing a documentary on foods in the hope it will help with a bit of a digestive problem that you have sometimes.

April 20th – May 20th
You will feel that life had become a bit of a routine with not much to look forward to. However, everything is about to change, and you will be pleased that you will be able to have a go at something that you have wanted to do for a while. Try not to let one particular person take you for granted, dig your heels in for a change and think of yourself. The finances will not be as bad as you had first thought and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

April 20th – May 20th
Your relationship will seem to improve in some way this weekend and as a result will make you feel happier. You will decide to lose weight and go on a new type of diet. A new hairstyle will do wonders for your confidence, so go for it. Some changes at the last minute to a trip out will mean that you have to do a bit of fast thinking. You will take time out this weekend to start that new book you want to read.

April 20th – May 20th
A running argument with a partner will at last be sorted out. A surprise meal will be the starter for a romantic evening that will bring you both even closer together. You will meal that you need some time on your own that will alarm your partner a little but once you explain all will be well. You will organise a weekend away to charge your batteries and break up your routine a little.

April 20th – May 20th
It seems a lot of little jobs need to be done but it will be difficult getting someone going, to do them for you!! May be the temptation of a lovely will get them motivated. Friends or family that could not make it will suddenly find that they can, and as a result have you rushing round at the last minute. Some good news about a baby will have you wanting to celebrate. A small cash amount will put you in a good mood.

April 20th – May 20th
A busy and exciting time for you as the Christmas season gets under way and you will be surprised by how generous people are with you and your family. An energetic walk with a group will be a good start to the day and be a pleasant end followed by a good pub lunch with people that you know. A catch up with someone that you have not seen for ages is on the cards. A romantic weekend for those in long-term relationships.