Scorpio – 24th July to 30th July – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be asked to accompany a friend to a posh event and although thrilled you will be concerned that you will have the clothes to fill the part. Of course you will look good so go for it! You will decide to start decorating one room much to the dismay of others around you this weekend. You may find they disappear when they think that you will need them, typical! Singles are set to meet someone that could develop into a long- term relationship if they wish that is.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A partner will try and persuade you to go on a cruise but for some reason you will be very reluctant. You will need to look an insurance document for some reason and have to discuss what you find with another person. Singles will have a good night out with friends this weekend. You will think about spending some money on a bedroom to bring it more up to date and where is will be a pleasure to relax in.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will organise a few of you to go to the theatre or a film of some sort with a view to having dinner and a good night out. You will look at your finances with a view to changing to a new budget. It does look like you will have to spend some money on some kind of repair to your home. Romance is in the air this weekend for singles who will venture into a large park. Startling news from a loved one will give you a lift.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A challenging situation at work will take a lot out of you, but it will be worth it in the long run. A trip to another country will take a bit of organisation but you will be glad that you have taken the trouble to work it all out. You will look at some cars with a view to buying another one, but take your time, as a bargain will come up for you. Singles will have a great night out this weekend with friends and new friends.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will decide to lose weight for a special occasion that is coming up; it will be more difficult than you thought because of other people interfering. However you will be successful and be proud of yourself. You will need to do a few chores before you can relax and chill out this weekend. One of them will be a cupboard or wardrobe that needs to be de-cluttered. The finances will tick over nicely. A romantic weekend is coming up with wine and chocolates if you want them.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be pleased to hear from an old friend and you will make plans to meet to have a good catch-up. You will think about taking course or more education of some sort that will hold you in good stead for the future. A child will be so good and help you a lot in some way, and you will wonder if there is an ulterior motive for their behaviour!! A partner will have plans to give you a romantic weekend, which will make you feel very close to each other once again.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Friends will want you to join them in a holiday in a different country, you will have to change some plans if you want to go. The finances will soon look up much to your relief. You will consider having a new pet but hesitate, as a partner is not too sure about it. A problem with a car will soon have to be sorted out; it is better not to leave it even if you think it is not really serious. Singles will be pleased when they receive a text from someone that they thought was not interested in them.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will get excited about the prospect of seeing someone that you have not seen for a while. However at the last minute a friend or someone that you know will tell you something that will dampen your excitement in some way. Think about what they have told you and the reason why, is it genuine concern for you, or do you think that they are jealous and trying to spoil it for you? Maybe keep an open mind. You will need to sort out something connected with water in your home this weekend.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will think about going on a coach holiday with a friend but have to organise something at home before you can definitely say yes. One room in your home will need to be updated, well you will think so, and you will look online at colours and furniture so that you can get it really modernised. But you will not be able to resist asking a friend what their opinion of your choices is. You will be pleased when you receive an invite for a birthday party.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will want to move from where you are living but not know how you are going to do it. It does look like the opportunity will occur out of the blue for you to do this, so don’t give up. You will think about joining a gym and try and persuade a friend to go with you. As a result you will actually make a new friend and your social life will really pick up. You will hear from an old flame that will want to re-connect with you.