Scorpio – 6th March to 12th March – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will think about buying rather an expensive car this weekend and you will look at what is on offer. It may be that if you try and bargain you will get a better deal than you think. Unexpected visitors could cause chaos and a change of your plans. If you need a taxi, make sure you order it well in advance or will not get one. You will offer to help someone elderly, and it will be gratefully received.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A demanding partner could well start to get on your nerves if you let it. On the other hand, why should you have to put up with it? May be time for you to have a little space so that you can think about things and decide what you really want. You will ask a friend to go with you on a holiday. You will feel restless about where you are living and think about moving from where you are at the moment.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
It will be a feeling of relief when you realise that there is a turning point at work at last. It will certainly make you feel excited about going to work and not facing the usual humdrum. You will feel good also when someone brings in cakes to celebrate. Those working with animals will want some chickens or more chickens. You will be looking at your weight to and decide to go for it and lose a good half a stone straight away.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be delighted to hear from someone from another country. A friend will tell you a secret and make you promise not to tell another soul, which because of the nature of the secret you will have great difficulty keeping. You will think about doing up one room in your home to bring it more modern and comfortable and start to look at what you can do to make it look really good.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Someone from another country will want to come and visit you. You will be surprised when you get an invite to a wedding. You will think about painting something in your home. Work will seem a bit boring and you will wish that you could move elsewhere. You will even think about getting another qualification a on a retail therapy day. You will resent being asked to do some bay sitting and try and get out of it.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will think about buying something rather extravagant for your home, and will reason with yourself that you deserve it. A partner will be rather quiet and you will be a bit concerned and try and talk with them to get to the bottom of it. You will be given something silver or gold that you will always treasure. Try and find time to chill out with a film or a book it will do you the world of good.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will help a family member out in some way, and they will be forever grateful. It seems that you will need to spend time that you really cannot afford but it will be well worth it. The finances will not be as bad as you had first thought and will gradually improve. You will be surprised when someone from your past contacts you, but you will wonder why they have done so after so long?

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Just when you thought that you had got a job, you will be told that there are others being considered too. A short break out of the blue will re-charge your batteries. A new baby will be the latest gossip for some reason. Someone will treat a few of you to a slap-up meal, which will be a pleasant surprise. You will think about changing your hairstyle to something completely new. Go for it, you can always change it if you don’t like it.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will start to lose heart after looking for a new job for some time. However, you are just about to find what you are looking for. Partner will be a bit grumpy about you wanting to change your job, don’t listen to them, it is your happiness that is at stake not theirs, you have to be happy in your job or you will not be completely happy in yourself. You will think about booking a holiday abroad for later this year.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will begin to wonder whether it is worth continuing with an on and off relationship. Look at what you are actually getting out of the relationship that, might help you to decide once and for all. You will start to look at what is on offer on the holiday scene. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a cruise with them. A small-unexpected amount of cash will put a smile on your face.