Scorpio – 30th October to 5th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will feel that a friend has let you down in some way and not be quite certain how to go about it. Maybe talking with someone you really trust about it would help. Good news regarding the finances is coming up soon and you will be able to go on that holiday that you had had your eye on for a while. Singles will be amazed when an old flame tries to contact them. You will de-clutter a wardrobe and be really pleased with yourself.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
An old friend will contact you out of the blue. You will find that a partner will go through a quiet stage and you will wonder if they have a related problem with you in some way. Obviously you will need to have a chat to get to the bottom of things. The finances will tick over ok and a cash surprise is coming for you too. You will think about having a dinner party for a few friends and try out a new recipe on them.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will not be happy with the treatment that you have had at work and you will think about putting a complaint in. You will be pleased about a family invitation but be a little concerned as there will be someone there who you really do not like, and you will not want an atmosphere as a result of you being there. Just go and be pleasant and it will be ok. The finances look ok and a bill will be paid off at last.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
News from someone living in another country will be very interesting to you. A long term relationship seems to be getting a bit boring for you, and you will think about asking for a break from it, so that you can stand back to see how you really feel about everything. As a result from a recent situation at work, you will feel that you have more confidence in yourself. You may also feel that you can apply for a job that normally you would not consider.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will think about buying or renting a property and you will ask a professional for an opinion on it. It does look like a new job could take you some miles from where you are already living and so put you in a position whether to move or not. Singles will start chatting to someone new in a wine bar or somewhere where they are selling wine. An unexpected pregnancy will have everyone gossiping.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Those in long- term relationships will have rather a romantic time this weekend. Singles will book a singles holiday for next year. A friend that you have seen occasionally will want to see you a lot more. Which could be rather difficult at times, but you will not want to hurt their feelings, however you will have to decline some of their invitations even though you won’t want to. You will be very surprised when you find out about a pregnancy.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Some money matter must be sorted out soon or things could get complicated. You will trust someone close to you with some situation to sort out, that you really wanted to sort out, but you will not be able to as you will not be available. You will be a bit anxious about it till it is all done. A vehicle will need to go to a garage to be sorted out. New singles not looking for love will be surprised when the opportunity presents itself out of the blue.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Your partner will want to change their job and you will need to be supportive although you will get a bit exasperated with them at the same time. Some technical will have to be sorted out that could end up quite irritating. A small win with a ticket with cheer you up. You will have an invite to the theatre, which will be quite exciting as it is something that you really want to see. You will need to keep track of a parcel.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
The end of a contract is coming and as a result you will find that you have to move. A new job prospect is looking good but you will want to know more details before making a decision. Opportunities are also looking good for those wanting to work in another country. Singles will feel that they want a break from dating for a while. The finances should tick over nicely providing you keep an eagle eye on it and not impulsive buy.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be fed up with someone who always seems to be negative and in a bit of a mood, you will try and talk to them about it. Their mood will start to affect you, so you will need to sort it out, or you will need to keep your distance from them. You will think about having a pet and you will discuss it with a loved one who may well need a bit of persuading to your way of thinking. A romantic night out is coming this weekend for some.