Pisces – 11th September to 17th September – Elizabeth Rose
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Feb 19th – March 20th
You will get fed up with where you are living and decide that you want to move. However with limited finances it will take a while to achieve. However be patient is only a question of time before you find what you are looking for. Long-term relationships seem to dwindle a bit and you will feel a lack of commitment and begin to wonder if it is worth carrying on with it. You will be pleased when you are invited to a party.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be excited when you meet someone new who seems to have a lot in common with you. You will have to sort out a large bill that is looming on the horizon. Someone will offer to do a bit of decorating for you and you will accept and be eternally grateful. Singles will be excited when they meet someone new when on a weekend break. A romantic weekend ahead for long term relationships this weekend.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A happy weekend ahead will put you in a good mood. You will decide not to bother with any chores and just to chill out and enjoy yourself for once. Long- term relationships go well with a romantic night out for a change. Singles will be delighted when they bump into an old flame even though they will be with someone else that they have just met, at the time they see them. Someone will give you money that they owe you.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will think about going on a holiday that you have not done before. An old flame will try and make contact with you, with a view to meet up, but you will not be convinced. You will be given a small present of a best selling book which you will be very pleased about, and you will try and make time this weekend for some me time to get started on it. Someone will give you a present of some fine wine or champagne.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will feel that a friend is deliberately avoiding you and wonder why? It looks like another friend will put you in the picture but it all seems very childish. You will be invited to a barbeque and you will look forward to it as you will know that you are going to see someone else that is there that you like very much. The finances will tick over, but you will be tempted to buy a piece of furniture that is rather expensive.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be surprised by how much money you have saved when you go to look at it. The finances should tick over nicely in the future, if you keep an eye on it. You will be surprised by how much people have changed when you attend a family gathering. You will decide to sell something that you don’t need and get more money than you thought that you would for it. New relationships will take a step up this weekend.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will wonder whether you have done the right thing finishing a relationship. Try not to regret it as new doors are going to open for you very soon and you will find that you will be going in the direction that you want to be going. An old friend will contact you and want to meet for a catch up. A romantic weekend is in store for those in new relationships and a lovely dinner will put you in the mood. You will have an invitation for a birthday party.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Singles on holiday will have the opportunity of a holiday romance if they wish, it would make the holiday more interesting! The finances are set to improve a little. You will be surprised by how friendly a neighbour is becoming and wonder about their motive. A small win of money will put a smile on your face. Those wanting to move will find it does drag on a bit, but you will get what you want at the end of the day if you are patient.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will arrange a family get together which will go down very well. It seems that you have a secret admirer and you will feel quite flattered, although you already have a partner! May be it is difficult to resist someone else’s advances but you will pay price if you don’t. A good holiday abroad is on the cards but you may have to rearrange it shortly. An unexpected visitor will put you out a bit and have you rushing around sorting things out before you can relax.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be pleased to hear from someone from another country. A relationship that has been on and off will finally finish. However other doors will soon open for you and another love will be on the horizon. You will have to change your arrangements to some kind of event at the last minute. A retail therapy day is coming this weekend and you will have no trouble getting a friend to go with you.