Pisces – 20th November to 26th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Feb 19th – March 20th
You will think about taking up a new hobby as someone that you know has already it taken up, and you will think that it look interesting. You will have more invites than usual to the run up to Christmas, so if might be difficult not to offend people, as you will have to turn one or two down. You will think about joining a gym or a new gym, if you are already in one. Singles will be on a high with two interested parties at their fingertips.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will look at a long- term financial project, but before that you will have a bit of a spending spree, as you will have accumulated a bit of a nest egg. A friend will demand more of your time than usual, which you will find a bit irritating. Singles will meet someone new and think that it looks rather promising as there seems to be an immediate chemistry between them. A Christmas meeting will go a lot better than expected.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be excited about job as there will be a good possibility of a promotion or change in some way that you will want. Someone close to you will give you some special chocolates that you will appreciate. The finances will steady up and you will be pleased when you receive some cash out of the blue. You will have to be firm with a partner or you will find everything will go their way, and you will feel taken for granted.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will soon be able to book that great holiday deal that you have had your eye on for some time. Some cash out of the blue will put you in a good mood. You will visit a relative that you have not seen for quite a while. There is a romantic weekend for new relationships this coming weekend. You will be pleased when you hear about a pregnancy this weekend. You will call a meeting for your family members to discuss one particular member of your family.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Some money coming out of the blue to you will put you in a good mood. You will be asked if you want to go on a holiday with friends. You will also be invited to a special event around Christmas, which will be a lovely surprise. Singles will bite the bullet and ask someone out that they have been attracted to for some time. You will think about taking up some kind of craft hobby that you have thought about for a while.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Some exciting news is coming on the job front. You will think about enrolling on a course that will benefit you later in life. New relationships see to be a bit unsettled and you will wonder if it is worth pursuing. You will be invited to a great party that is scheduled around December. A vehicle will have to be sorted out before it gets worse. You will look at some properties with a view to moving from where you are.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will feel that someone is really taking you for granted, and you will decide to pull back from them, without saying anything to see what happens. A friend or family member will put you on a bit of a spot, by asking you if you could look after their pet for a while. The problem is once you do it they will expect you to do it again, so you will have to be clear that it is a one off, of course, if that is what you want to.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will need to discuss a bill as it does not seem to add up someone. A new partner will seem to be a bit clingy and it will ring alarm bells with you. A trip to London will be organised soon. The finances will soon be better but you will need to keep a close eye on it. You will think about buying some furniture and look what is on offer but be put off with the flat packs. You will think about changing your job as you will feel quite restless where you are.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will wonder why a new partner who had seemed so interested has suddenly cooled off. One of the reasons is that some people like the first flush of romance, then they realise that they don’t really want a commitment, they just want that rush of excitement and once establish they move on to another victim! You are better off without them and then you can move forward in your life. Some unexpected cash will put you in a good mood.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Those who are creative are entering a new period of their lives where things seem to take off. A level head is needed and a determination to do what you think is correct could well mean success for you. An invitation to go to another country will please you and you will make some preliminary plans to go on the assumption that other things fall into place. Singles will be surprised when someone that they have known for a long time makes a romantic more.