Pisces – 2nd May to 8th May – Elizabeth Rose
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Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be surprised and pleased when you are singled out at work in some way. A child will do very well exam-wise, and you will be really pleased for them. You will need to sort out a fence or something outdoors will need your attention this weekend. You will feel that you need some space where a relationship is concerned. Something you will feel is just not quite right, but you will not be able to put into words what it is.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A friend will try and persuade you to go on a holiday with her. The finances will tick over nicely. Singles will meet someone new this weekend and new relationships will go up a notch this weekend, too. You will think about taking up a new hobby or a course of some kind. A friend will also encourage you to join a club that they are already in. You will think about buying some carpets or furniture this weekend and you will drag along a partner to view them.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will have to sort out a decoration problem at the last minute, which will not go down very well. A partner will be more romantic than usual, and you will feel that the bond between you is getting stronger. White goods will have to be replaced and you will wonder whether to buy something cheap or go for the tops. Good news from one member of the family will have you wanting to celebrate.

Feb 19th – March 20th
It will be difficult to try to make peace with a few people and you will get fed up about their moans. Try and withdraw and remain neutral. You will think about doing some decorating and try and get someone else to help you. The finances will not be too bad and if you keep a close eye on it will be ok. You will feel that a colleague is paying you too much attention and start to be cool with them.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will wonder whether to spend money on a property or just move somewhere else. Someone that you know casually will make it clear that they are interested in you in a romantic way. However, you will feel that they are a bit over the top, so you will draw back so that you can think about it all. The finances will continue to tick over nicely if you keep a close eye on them. You will think about asking someone that you like out for dinner this weekend.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will do well on some kind of course or in some sort of exam and you will feel a great sense of accomplishment. Children will put extra pressure on you this weekend, but this will evaporate by the start of the week. The finances will start to improve at last. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a coach holiday with them. A romantic night in will improve your relationship this weekend.

Feb 19th – March 20th
An exciting weekend ahead with unexpected visitors making things rather rushed. You will toy with the idea of moving from where you are living and look at possible places. However, it looks as if there will be opposition from others about moving. Singles will book a great holiday this weekend. Long distant relationships seem to be fizzling out a bit. Good news about a baby will lift your spirits. A small cash amount landing out of the blue will please.

Feb 19th – March 20th
An apology from someone close will go down very well this weekend. You will be pleased about a new pet and spend more than you had intended on it. An ex will be persistent if you ignore them, however ask yourself if this is what you want long-term? Someone will arrive with a big box of chocolates for you. A partner will be rather attentive this weekend and make you feel rather special.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A relationship seems to be in the balance, and you will be fed up with the hot and cold approach of your partner. This is a classic sign of someone who does not want to commit, by the way. Judge someone by what they do rather than what they say. The finances will improve, and you will soon be in a position to book a lovely holiday. Singles are in for a romantic evening this weekend.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be pleased to hear from someone that you have not seen for a long while. You will have a long chat with someone from a different country. It seems that you will feel that someone close to you is being rather mean and decide to be a bit aloof and distance yourself from them. Some good news from a family member will have you wanting to celebrate. A rather romantic weekend for most coming up.