Pisces – 11th July to 17th July – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers


Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be pleased when you arrange to see a couple this weekend that you have not met for a while. It seems some juicy gossip that will be told to you, will take you aback, but when you think about it, is it true or just said to see your reaction. A small amount of cash out of the blue will allow you to have a personal treat for a change. A friend will cheer you up when you meet for a drink.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will feel that someone has deliberately damaged something so that they can replace it with something new. You will receive a letter or note that will be rather puzzling. A work colleague will seem to pick on you, so it is time to stand up for yourself. A romantic night out is coming this weekend for singles. Some kind of bonus will cheer you up and you will decide to spend it on a meal out.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will feel that the pace at work is getting silly and you will feel quite pressured. You will think about taking a day off to just chill out but feel a bit guilty about it. A friend will ask you to go on a cruise and you will be very interested. A walk in the countryside this weekend will really cheer you up. You will offer to help someone out who is rather elderly, and they will be very grateful.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A get together with old friends at a barbeque will go down well this weekend. Those that are single will hear from an old flame but decide to leave things alone and let them stay in the past. You will think about looking for a new job, as you will feel that your present job has lost its challenge for you. A friend will ask you your opinion about a romantic problem that they have.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A new relationship will go very well and you will wonder if this is the one! Those looking for a home and are trying to get out of a flat will be successful at last. Try not to lend people money, as it will be doubtful that you will get it back. Important documents must be addressed quickly so that complications don’t set in. Long- term relationships have quite a romantic weekend.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Some good news will cheer you up this weekend. An invite to someone’s house looks as if it would be interesting. You will think about sorting out a garden, and price up what it will cost. Those couples that have split up recently will have second thoughts and think it might be worth a talk at least. Singles will have a cosy night in with friends. A coach tour looks good this weekend for some.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Now is the time to sort out those finances. A strict budget will do the trick and give you more peace of mind. A breakthrough with some kind of project that you are doing will give you a boost. An invitation abroad will look good, but you will be a bit reluctant for some reason. Singles will be invited to a party this weekend and it could be very interesting. A barbeque for others will go with a swing.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will feel that a friendship is at last turning into a romantic relationship. Try not to push it and take it steady. You will think about postponing or re-arranging a holiday. Singles will have the pleasure of a holiday romance when visiting another country!! A legal document will need to be sorted out straight away or things could get complicated. You will think about taking a cake to someone who is elderly.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Those looking for a new home will find their ideal place. Singles will meet someone new this weekend. New relationships will take an exciting turn and the old romantics will have a cosy weekend in! Those into DIY will start to tackle rather a big project that will keep them occupied for quite a while. Those into travel will make an exciting holiday booking that they can look forward to.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Your creative side will emerge more and more the more that you use it. In fact, you will be able to make money from your skills as time goes by. You will become interested in someone who lives in another country, and you will start to communicate with them. You will think about buying a property somewhere abroad and look into it. An old friend will be a bit demanding just when you don’t need it, however they will understand if you explain the situation.