Pisces – 31st March to 6th April – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers


Feb 19th – March 20th
Things in life that are worth having using take time and sacrifice, however, this week you will be handed it on a plate. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, say thank you and walk away with a smile on your face. It’s your turn to be God’s favourite. Keep up with a fitness regime that you are struggling with, soon it will become second nature and the results will be staggering.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be unstoppable in your quest for the truth, but it seems that you already have it. Picking away at something just because you don’t believe the reality is not worth your time. Accept it for what it is and move on. An unlikely admirer will make themselves known – give them a chance, you never know!

Feb 19th – March 20th
A little bit of escapism is good for the soul, Pisces. However, if you find yourself ducking out of day to day social situations to live in a fantasy land then nip that in the bud. There are lots of things going on in the workplace that you have no knowledge of so try not to worry about the snippets of misinformation that you hear.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A well thought out social event may have to be postponed. Don’t throw a hissy fit, just calmly rearrange it for another time. Cutting off your nose to spite your face will get you nowhere! A lovely surprise gift will make you think about someone in a different light.

Feb 19th – March 20th
If you are lacking in energy and feeling lethargic then don’t fret – this will pass soon. The rest of the week will see you planning nights out and trips with friends. A colleague will gravitate towards you but you may not feel comfortable with how they make you feel. They will soon lose the intensity so try not to make them feel too much of a burden.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Your bond with a special someone will deepen this week, Pisces. You will feel yourself opening up more and more and this in turn will allow them to do the same. A workplace document needs reading carefully else you may get the wrong end of the stick! Keep an eye on the finances, those little spends add up.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Embrace a spontaneous date with friends or a loved one, it will do you the world of good. Getting out of the funk you’ve found yourself in is top priority! Look at ways you can make your free time more productive, sitting in front of a screen won’t lead to much, will it? A plan to change careers will begin to form in your head.

Feb 19th – March 20th
If your self esteem is flagging, then do something about it. Only you can make the changes required for you to feel better about yourself and the world you live in. This might sound harsh but some tough love is needed right now! Towards the end of the week, you will find yourself wondering if you could have made an old relationship work – the answer is no, it would never have made you happy in the long term.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will find a renewed energy around your health and fitness goals, and it will make you realise that you can achieve them, given time. Don’t dig your heels in with a loved one, they honestly think they are doing the right thing so maybe explore that with them and gently offer alternatives.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Romance and personal happiness is abundant this week, Pisces. Enjoy the attention and peace of mind instead of worrying when it will all go wrong. For once, know that you are appreciated and valued for the right reasons and it isn’t conditional. This time is to be enjoyed so take your time in each moment to savour the feelings stirring inside of you.