Capricorn – 26th June to 2nd July – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will be impatient, as some forms and documents seem to be taking a long time to arrive. Perhaps a phone call might help to gee things up at least you will find out where you stand. You will feel one member of your family is spending money unwisely and you will try and talk sense into them. Singles will meet someone new when going for a walk in a park. You will think about taking a more exercise and look into joining a walking group.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
A delicate situation with a neighbour must be treated tactfully to avoid any stress. A small cash win with a ticket will put you in a good mood. Eyebrows will be raised when it gets out that one particular person is pregnant. You will think about booking a cruise after seeing one in particular that interest you and seems a very good deal. Also you will be urged on to book it by someone close to you. Those looking for love will meet someone who seems to be on the same wavelength as them.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will decide to lose weight for a special occasion that is coming up; it will be more difficult than you thought because of other people interfering. However you will be successful and be proud of yourself. You will need to do a few chores before you can relax and chill out this weekend. One of them will be a cupboard or wardrobe that needs to be de-cluttered. The finances will tick over nicely. A romantic weekend is coming up with wine and chocolates if you want them.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will have some good ideas with your work but it will take longer than you think to put them into action. You will think about buying an expensive gadget but discuss it with someone close to you before you take the plunge. You will consider taking a short break in another country; it will be on impulse and all of a rush if you do. However you will enjoy it if you go for it. You will think about inviting friends round to try out a new recipe.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will try and help a family member to choose the right career although they will not seem to be listening to you. You will worry that they are going down a path that they will regret. Sometimes you just to have to let people get on with it and they will learn their lesson hopefully, you have done all you can so relax. Good news on the financial front, you will be able to buy that item for the house that you have been longing for.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be very tempted to organise a weekend away but have to organise a couple of things first if you do and that could be a bit tricky. However you would have a good time if you go for it. You will have an invitation from a friend that will please you and it will be a good excuse for you to buy something new to wear. A family member will treat you to a night out this weekend and you will wonder if they have an ulterior motive.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will feel that a new job is a bit disappointing and not what you thought it would be. Set yourself a time limit for it to improve and if it doesn’t then move on, life is too short to put up with things that you don’t want. Some will have the opportunity to work in another country, may be for good, or may be on a contract. The world is your oyster as they say. New relationships will have a bit of a blip and make you think twice about whether to carry on.

May 21st - June 20th
You will feel that you are now in a position to move house and will start looking at some properties. It might well take a bit longer than you thought to find what you want, but you will get there in the end. You will find that you and your partner seem to be getting closer together this weekend and you will begin to feel more confident in the future together. Singles will make a second date with someone after a really good first date.

April 20th – May 20th
A very busy time for you at the moment, you will be all over the place looking after others and at times you will long for a rest and have nothing to do. However your help and moral support that you have given to someone, will have been realised by other people and a small treat for you is coming as a thank you. The finances will be fine and you will feel comfortable about booking a holiday for later on in the year. You will sell a big item that you never use anymore.

March 21st - April 19th
Although socially things look a bit bland they will soon pick up. However in a way you will feel that you want to have a break and concentrate on yourself for a change may be indulge yourself for once, and why not? You deserve it. One friend will be quite attentive and be concerned for your welfare, although you will explain that you are fine, they will not take no for an answer because they care. The finances will seem to run ok but you know if you put your mind to it you could do better.