Gemini – 2nd October to 8th October – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Your weekly horoscopes.

May 21st - June 20th
Although you will want a new car it does seem that there will be some sort of delay before you actually get it. You will get a win shortly with a ticket that you purchase. Something that you buy on the Internet needs to be sorted out, don’t put up with shoddy goods. You will also buy something for your bedroom that you will be particularly pleased with. Singles will feel that they do not want to carry on texting with someone that they thought had seemed rather interesting. 

April 20th – May 20th
You will be a bit disappointed in a diet and keep fit venue that you have tried recently and you will ask a professional for more information about it. Those wanting to move to a more rural area will find that they have to be patient as what they really want to get is going to take a bit of time. A family meal will go well and there will be a discussion about an on going situation. A solution will be found and agreed by everybody.

March 21st - April 19th
You will begin to wonder if it is worth bothering with one particular person that keeps asking for your advice. You have spent a lot of your time giving them the advice. However they don’t seem to act on any of the advice you have given, and you will feel frustrated and feel that you are simply wasting your time. A close friend will treat you with a pleasant surprise and you will feel your spirits lifting. You will decide to keep something to yourself that you would normally chat to with someone that you trust.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will wonder why a new partner who had seemed so interested has suddenly cooled off. One of the reasons is that some people like the first flush of romance, then they realise that they don’t really want a commitment, they just want that rush of excitement and once establish they move on to another victim! You are better off without them and then you can move forward in your life. Some unexpected cash will put you in a good mood.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about changing your home in some way and get a professional person to write up some plans. However it will all take a lot longer than you thought, and may even drag on so much that you will get on to the relevant people to gee them up if you can. Some romantic flowers are coming this weekend for those in new relationships. For others wining and dining is on the menu.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will be rather surprised when a new job presents itself to you out of the blue. You will think about joining a group or doing some kind of voluntary work. A friend will try and persuade you to book a coach holiday with them and it will be somewhere that you have not been before. You will feel that a member of your family is being a bit awkward and you will confide in a friend about what advice they can offer about it.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
There seems to be a problem since someone new has started work where you work. It looks like you will need to watch and take in with what is going on and eventually it will sort itself out. News from another country will be quite startling and as a result you will make plans to go abroad. Some gossip at work seems to have got out of hand, as it will be obvious to you and you will be best to just ignore it.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Those in long- term relationships will have rather a romantic time this weekend. Singles will book a singles holiday for next year. A friend that you have seen occasionally will want to see you a lot more. Which could be rather difficult at times, but you will not want to hurt their feelings, however you will have to decline some of their invitations even though you won’t want to. You will be very surprised when you find out about a pregnancy.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A discussion with someone in London could lead to good input where a job is concerned. The creative people will think about buying some kind of material that they have not tried before, when next make something for themselves. You will think about learning another language and try to get a partner or friend to do it with you. Some unexpected money will enable you to book a few days away before the winter sets in.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
If you are around too much this weekend you may well be asked to help with some decorating!! A small cash amount out of the blue will put you in a good mood. You will have a good night out with friends this weekend but may well have to constrain yourself in some way. Singles looking for love may well have an unexpected chat with someone when walking a dog. A new diet will go down well and losing a few pounds will give you that incentive to keep going.