Gemini – 30th October to 5th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

May 21st - June 20th
You will think about arranging a surprise party for someone who is close to you. You will feel a bit frustrated at work it is almost like your hands are tied and you cannot do what you want to do. It looks as if you will have to speak to someone about it before it is sorted out. A trip to a forest or park of some kind will be good for your moral this weekend. However it does look like their will be a chore that you have put off that you will have to do before you can relax.

April 20th – May 20th
You will find yourself much busier than usual, but also find yourself on a bit of a high organising everything. You will be surprised when you realise how much someone close to you does care as they share their emotions with you. The finances look quite good with the possibility of some kind of win arriving on your doorstep! You will think about buying a large piece of furniture and ask a friend for some advice about it.

March 21st - April 19th
You will be quite intrigued with a new person coming into your life. Watch out for someone who seems to take you for granted, and more and more as times go by if you let it. An admirer will bring you some lovely flowers. You will find yourself drawing back from someone that you initially though you were attracted to. A short break will feel greatly needed, but difficult to sort out. The finances tick over nicely and an unexpected amount of cash will really please you.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Some money coming out of the blue to you will put you in a good mood. You will be asked if you want to go on a holiday with friends. You will also be invited to a special event around Christmas, which will be a lovely surprise. Singles will bite the bullet and ask someone out that they have been attracted to for some time. You will think about taking up some kind of craft hobby that you have thought about for a while.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about buying a new car and have a look at a few but you will not be able to make you mind up straight away. You will feel a partner is being a bit evasive with you and you will feel a bit puzzled by their behaviour. Singles will think about booking a singles holiday with a friend but one that is a bit upmarket. A job opportunity will come your way soon but you will have to be quick if you want it.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel fed up being the fall guy all the time and decide to put your foot down, which will surprise others but they will respect you more. You will think about going on a cruise and look at the special offers for next year. However a partner will need a bit of a persuasion. You will go to a family gathering but be a bit anxious, as you will be bound to see someone there that you really don’t want to see.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Singles will be thrilled when someone they have been texting for a while finally wants to meet them. You will think about having a major change to your home that will involve a lot of work by a professional, but it will give you more space. You will feel that a partner is restless and losing interest in you, it does need a good honest chat to find out what is what and then you can decide what you want to do.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
An old friend will contact you out of the blue. You will find that a partner will go through a quiet stage and you will wonder if they have a related problem with you in some way. Obviously you will need to have a chat to get to the bottom of things. The finances will tick over ok and a cash surprise is coming for you too. You will think about having a dinner party for a few friends and try out a new recipe on them.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will feel that a friend is deliberately ignoring you and you will not know why. It does seem like there has been a misunderstanding that you can sort out by having a chat. You will realise that one person is very jealous of your life style and you will realise that they are not worth being friends with. The finances will pick up around Christmas much to your surprise. Your partner will buy you something pink to wear.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Check on a late night taxi or transport that you have booked before you need it. Someone will want to take you to a beautiful restaurant with the hope of impressing you. Work will be a bit boring and you will be a bit annoyed with a colleague. Someone who owes you money will give you some of it back, much to your surprise. You will think about moving house and you will see a solicitor about one that you are interested in.