Aquarius – 6th November to 12th November – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will arrange a train journey with others, which will be very interesting and entertaining. Those that have an artistic streak will have a break through of some kind, and sell some of the things that they have created. You and another will decide to go on a cruise and find a really good deal for next year and book it immediately. You will think about going on a quick diet to lose a few pounds for a special occasion.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will get news from another country that you will be pleased about. You will be invited to a wedding and be delighted about it. A good excuse to buy an entirely new outfit!! A loved one will be particularly attentive this weekend, which will make you feel good and closer together. You will be delighted when you get an invite to a party. A small amount of cash will please you and enable you to splash out on a meal.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Singles can look forward to an exciting weekend ahead. They will be invited to meet someone new in a wine bar. The finances seem to tick over as long as you keep an eye on it and not go for impulse buys. Those applying for jobs that have a caring aspect to it will soon get good news. You will invite friends round for a meal and it will go very well. Especially the new recipe that you try out on them will go down very well.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will want to move from where you are living but you will realise that you will have to put it on hold for a while. Patience is all that is needed before you achieve what you want. An old friend will confide in you and you will realize that they are feeling quite lonely. However you will have one or to suggestions for them that will be very welcome. A loved one will want to treat you as a surprise this weekend.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will think about introducing something new workwise. You will have a new contact abroad but hesitate to commit yourself until you have really sounded them out, to see that they are honest and that there are good remarks about them. You will feel more confident about yourself and want to put something that you know can earn money into action. A partner will seem a bit quiet it looks like they have a worry about one member of their family.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will think about going to live in another country but find that family and friends try and talk you out of it. A trip to London is on the cards anyway, which you will find very interesting and entertaining. You will be asked to make something for a child, maybe those who are interested in crafting or the arts will jump at it. Singles will meet someone this weekend but it would be advisable to take things slowly.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will save for a special outfit for Christmas and know exactly when you are going to wear it. You will have a Christmas invitation that you did not expect and be really happy about it. Someone will buy you something made out of leather. You will think about changing your phone to something a lot more technical. You will arrange a holiday in another country and someone in your family will not be very happy about it.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will feel that a situation at work is just not fair and ask about how to put some kind of complaint in. Although the weather will not be that good you will take a trip to the coast to just get out and brush the cobwebs off. As a result you will feel recharged and ready for the rest of the week. Long term partnerships seem to be a bit boring this weekend and you will wonder if it is time for a break or shake up of some kind.

May 21st - June 20th
You will soon taking that holiday that you have been longing for. Those wanting to work in another country will get a one off opportunity out of the blue. Others will get the chance to change their job and will find that someone could put a good word in for them that could swing the job for them. You will make a cake to surprise someone close to you. A loved on will bring you some lovely flowers this weekend.

April 20th – May 20th
You will think about having a new hairstyle even though you have recently changed it in some way. Singles will be tempted to contact an old flame. The finances seem to steady out during the next few weeks. You will arrange for family or friends to come round for a meal, drinks and chats. A surprise pregnancy will raise eye -brows but be very interesting too. You will also have a celebration before Christmas and get out the Champagne.