Capricorn – 6th January to 12th January – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
This week will see you set your heart on a new vision for your future. So what is holding you back? You must put in the necessary hard work or else nothing will change. Go for it! Personal growth is just as important as wealth so ensure you take care of you, too. You will find it rewarding to give back to the community so maybe look at ways you can help those less fortunate.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will discover a new source of cash flow but you will need to do something about it to get the return. Are you ready to make the changes necessary to turn things around? You may hate ‘to-do’ lists but it would be wise to create one else you could miss something important that you need to do. Check your bank regularly to ensure you’re not overspending.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You’ve been avoiding a conversation for fear of offence but you must be brave and start the ball rolling. Nothing will change unless you face this head on. This is the perfect week to be open with your partner about your hopes and dreams for the future – it’s always best to know where you stand, right? Avoid unnecessary spending until next month.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
If you feel like you’ve taken on too much then scale it back. Prioritise the commitments you’ve made and push those back that aren’t terribly important. Be honest with your partner and get them to do certain household chores and tasks to lighten the load. Stay out of conflict in the workplace as it is set to get messy.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You are finding it difficult to pinpoint how you are feeling though I suspect you are emotionally drained right now. You’ve had a lot to contend with recently and your own needs have been neglected. Take some time out to work through your conflicting feelings and by the end of the week you will feel much clearer. A good idea in the workplace will lead to a significant pay bump so make sure you speak up!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Initiate a conversation with a co worker about their struggles and offer solutions. They will be so grateful that you did. You will impress the higher ups with an idea that will change the way you work for the better, and will involved a significant cost saving measure, too. Don’t be shy in speaking up, your views will be welcomed and listened to.

June 21st – July 22nd
Close friendships will stand the test of time after a rather sticky period. Don’t worry too much, it will all get resolved amicably with no hard feelings. Take the initiative with your partner and let them know where you want your relationship to go. Even if it is early days, it’s always best to find out what the other person wants so that you don’t waste time with the wrong match.

May 21st - June 20th
If you’re finding it tough building a relationship with a co worker then take a step back. They are more likely to come to you in time to seek help and guidance as it is in their nature to problem solve rather than ask for solutions. Try to carve out some time for yourself to regroup and relax. It’s been a difficult few months and you may find your energy is lacking to do the things you enjoy.

April 20th – May 20th
Your dreams of travel can be realised, you just have to book it! This the perfect time to plan your year out and give yourself something to look forward to in these dark, dreary winter months. Live in the moment with a new love interest, open your heart to the idea of a long term relationship and see what transpires. If you’re looking for a sense of purpose, consider further education.

March 21st - April 19th
As the week begins, you may be feeling apprehensive about a certain individual. However, open up direct communication and your fears will dissipate. A project that you have in the pipeline is simply too much for you to deal with right now, put it on hold until the time is right for you to be able to give it your all. Someone that has been vindictive will get their comeuppance.