Libra – 18th December to 24th December – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Self care is on the cards for you this week, Libra. You really need to put your own health first and find time to de stress and wind down. Things should settle down towards the end of the week and you will find enjoyment in the small things again. A loved one will show you just how much you mean to them. A find in a charity shop could earn you some extra money.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Have a moment to yourself to think about what you really want from your relationship. Keeping things as they are now is not an option. You will find a new colleague intriguing and they will become a firm friend in the future. A scheduled appointment may not go ahead as planned so be prepared to change your plans at the last minute – a day doing whatever you like is just the ticket!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Being part of a team can be rewarding, but also frustrating. You will notice someone is not pulling their weight and you aren’t the only one. Tongues are wagging and changes will be made. A delightful email will find it’s way to you and you will feel validated in your decision making around a love matter. Be careful with the spending, it is far too easy this time of year to throw caution to the wind.

June 21st – July 22nd
A friend will confide in you and initially you will be unsure what to do, just being there to listen will be enough to start with so don’t try to offer solutions without thinking things through. A perfect opportunity to further your career will present itself to you and you should grab this with both hands. In a couple? You are both ready for commitment and you should be completely honest with each other about what you want.

May 21st - June 20th
The finances may be a bit stretched right now but things will become easier in the early part of next year. Gifts do not have to be extravagant and a homemade gift will be well received so if you were thinking about this then definitely do it. Romantic relationships are a little strained right now but again, this will rectify itself very soon. Enter that competition that has caught your eye – you never know when your luck will come in!

April 20th – May 20th
Keep your standards high in the workplace, there is much competition and you shouldn’t be dragged down by negativity. A brilliant idea will come to you in the middle of the night and you must make a note straightaway and marvel at your own genius the following morning. Single? A new love interest will make themselves known this week and you won’t fail to notice!

March 21st - April 19th
You must decide what you want in your relationship so that you can convey this to them. It is only fair to be honest about your needs and the other person will then be able to decide if they can measure up (or not!). Take advice from the professionals in regards to an investment – if it seems to good to be true then it probably is. Your social circle will welcome a new friend who will be like a breath of fresh air.

Feb 19th – March 20th
There will be lots of social activities coming up but make sure you don’t spread yourself too thinly or else your work may suffer. Single? A dating app holds the key to the partner of your dreams! Finances are looking good after a period of leanness. You should still keep your eye on unnecessary spending though as this can creep back in so easily.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A family member is getting on your last nerve, but they will have a turnaround in their behaviour – keep calm for now. Don’t attempt to take too much on at work, it’s not fair and you will struggle with the extra workload – it won’t be worth the little that they are offering you. Single? A new relationship is likely in the new year and it will certainly have been worth the wait.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Keep up with trying to break a bad habit, you are so close to getting where you want to be. A new colleague will need your help to navigate the office politics of your organisation. It is only natural to want the best for your children, however, you must also allow them to grow and learn through their own mistakes.