Leo – 25th December to 31st December – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Just remember that you are your own person, and you should never apologise for this. You are unique and loved by many, so don’t pay attention to the small minded people who don’t understand you. Keeping up with the Jone’s is a fruitless task and you will help a friend to realise this. Be mindful of a colleague that isn’t finding it easy to fit in, a kind word goes a long way and won’t be forgotten.

June 21st – July 22nd
A younger family member will let you into a secret and you will be so happy but you must try to keep it to yourself. A neighbour will be a good friend when you need it most. Thoughts will tend towards fitness and diet and you shouldn’t jump on the latest fad, making slow and sustainable changes is the way to go. Karma works on intent, and you didn’t mean to sideline a colleague and they will know there was no malice intended.

May 21st - June 20th
You will be thinking of changes that you need to make in 2024 and your career is where you need to start. You are so capable and you should definitely take the chance for promotion when it arises. A chance meeting with an old friend will bring back fond memories and a reunion will be planned. Keep an eye on your finances and tighten your belt where you can. An unexpected email will bring good news.

April 20th – May 20th
As the year draws to a close you will reflect on your circumstances and make a vow for next year to make the changes you need to life a full and happy life. A friend will need some support after a tumultuous week and you may need to point them in the direction of professional help for their situation. You will be trusted by a colleague with a secret, and you should really keep this close to your chest.

March 21st - April 19th
You will feel blessed by your family and friends and begin to understand just how much you mean to them all. Being a good friend and a dependable family member is something that takes you to the next level and you shouldn’t underestimate just how much joy that you bring to others. A special someone is thinking about making a move, however, a little encouragement from you will make all of the difference and speed things along a little bit.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A house move is looking likely for you or someone close to you. It will bring with it a sense of peace and rejuvination. You will see a number often this week and it will be a lucky number for yoiu. You will need to find an old document, however, you could locate it via an email search if you can’t find the physical copy.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will get an opportunity to expand your social circle and new friendships will be formed. A challenging project in the workplace will get you noticed when you out perform everyone else. A trip to the countryside or a local beauty spot is on the cards and it will make you feel invigorated and ready to take on any challenges that come your way.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will come across some correspondence that isn’t meant for you, but boy it will be interesting and settle a long held belief! Expect some major changes in the workplace which you shouldn’t worry about, they will benefit you immensely. You may find you are craving fun but feel stifled by responsibilities. Do what you can to get yourself out of the daily grind. Single – contact via social media will come out of the blue.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You may feel like you are losing a grip on something important, however, something better will come your way. You may be feeling a disconnect in the workplace but this will sort itself out without any input from you. There will be a shift with your social circle and you will find it benefits the group to be without the negativity that is regularly brought to the table. An old friend will reconnect and you will enjoy reminiscing.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A change in routine will do you good – don’t panic it will work out for the best in the long run. You will be thinking about a lifestyle change and it will be so beneficial in many ways – commit to it and you will makes fabulous progress. Single – a deep connection is heading your way and it will evolve into the commitment you crave. Finances are looking good and you should treat yourself!