Scorpio – 17th February to 23rd February – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You may find yourself clashing with a colleague but don’t make it personal. It’s fine to disagree but bringing personal issues into it will leave you looking petty. Plan a day where you do something just for you, it’s been some time since you prioritised your needs and unless you make the time in your busy schedule it won’t happen organically.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You have some grand ideas that no one knows about so make sure you put your best foot forward in the workplace. Whilst they may not be expecting you to be the one to bring alternative ways of working to their attention, they will be glad you did. Someone special is struggling to convey to you just how much you mean to them. Be careful of spending too much on an idea that you’ve not thought through.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
If you’re feeling drawn to helping out a charity by volunteering then do it! You have a lot to offer and they are desperate for people to join their cause. Whilst a young family member seems to know everything, they really don’t, and your experience will go a long way to helping them through a difficult time in their life.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You may be feeling more private about your life and happy to be in your own company. Whilst short term this is fine, it’s not really you, is it? Ensure you don’t hide away for too long as it will make things tricky to bounce back to your usual, enigmatic self. Have a look at alternative stress management techniques to help you through difficult moments.

June 21st – July 22nd
You may be feeling disconnected to your other half, Cancer. This week will bring things to a head and the air will be cleared. This will pave the way for a deeper understanding of each other and a more fulfilling relationship. A colleague is integral in helping you move up the ladder at work, be vocal about your wish to succeed.

May 21st - June 20th
If you’re feeling frustrated about not saying what’s on your mind then talk it through with those who matter. Keeping it all bottled up inside is a recipe for disaster and it is likely to spill out in another way, causing you to feel even more wretched. For those in a steady relationship, your bond will strengthen after a heart to heart. If you’re single then pay more attention than usual when looking online.

April 20th – May 20th
Your patience is wearing thin this week, Taurus. Especially with a loved one. They are taking advantage, you know it, they know it and it will continue until you put a stop to it. Learning a new skill will catapult your career, what’s holding you back? Change up your fitness routine to incorporate those less loved exercises and watch your strength grow and body transform.

March 21st - April 19th
A great week for singles and couples alike. If you’re on the lookout for a partner you may have to choose between the attentions of two possible love matches. Your magnetism is strong towards the end of the week and it will cause you a dilemma! Communication should be encouraging rather than direct to ensure feelings are not hurt. But don’t be too ambiguous!

Feb 19th – March 20th
If your self esteem is flagging, then do something about it. Only you can make the changes required for you to feel better about yourself and the world you live in. This might sound harsh but some tough love is needed right now! Towards the end of the week, you will find yourself wondering if you could have made an old relationship work – the answer is no, it would never have made you happy in the long term.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Communication is vital this week, Aquarius. Only by engaging with others will you appreciate differing viewpoints and by challenging yourself to think outside of the box, you will find more rewarding connections. Give your finances some serious consideration and make cutbacks where you can. Have a big clear out of your wardrobe and get them on to online selling sites.