Sagittarius – 29th July to 4th August – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You may receive some unwanted guests, Saggi. You won’t be able to hide behind the sofa so just deal with them as swiftly as possible so that they don’t get their feet under your table! Treat yourself to the new outfit you’ve had your eye on, and while you’re at it, indulge in a new haircut and any other self care you feel is needed. You will so much better for it.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will find yourself supporting a relative, Scorpio. However, they may need more help that you can provide so do look into getting regular, professional help. Your finances have been a little precarious but this period is coming to an end and you will feel much lighter and optimistic about the future.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A family matter will test your patience, Libra. One family member will drive you to distraction at their inability to accept their situation for exactly what it is. There will be progress in matters relating to a property at long last. Keep on top of your admin around your finances and double check regular payments that leave your account.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
Though you have goals, Virgo, you appear to be struggling to achieve them. This week there will be a change of pace and you will realise they are indeed in reach and within your capabilities. Maintain enthusiasm in the quest for love, though you feel jaded by the whole process, don’t throw in the towel just yet.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Keep your outlook professional and you won’t go far wrong, Leo. Use your ‘work’ head rather than your emotional one when faced with a difficult decision around your future. Keep an eye on your online spending and don’t be fooled by something that looks too good to be true, as it really isn’t.

June 21st – July 22nd
Feeling bogged down with responsibility, Cancer? That’s understandable and you need to make sustainable changes to allow yourself some stress free down time. Ensuring people take responsibility for themselves is a good thing so don’t feel bad about it. A friendship that has had it’s difficulties will repair itself without you having to hash over old words.

May 21st - June 20th
Try to avoid making hasty decisions, Gemini. In particular, don’t react initially to a workplace drama, allow it to unfold before making your feelings known as it isn’t all it appears to be initially. Rules are made to be broken, right? Wrong – keep on the right side of the law especially where finances are concerned.

April 20th – May 20th
You are seeking a desired result without putting in the effort, Taurus. You know better than this! Get your act together and put in the work required. You will feel increasingly more connected to your spiritual side and this is something you should explore further. Routine tasks should be prioritised into order of urgency.

March 21st - April 19th
There is an importance about you this week, Aries. Your influence will be far reaching and you will hit your target audience with great results. A figure of authority will give you some impartial but beneficial advice which you should follow. A relationship will move on to the next level if you allow it to run it’s own natural path.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You may feel like you are being tested this week, Pisces. There is so much that requires your attention you don’t know which way is up. Take a deep breath, make a to do list and stick to it! Making new connections as we age is still important, don’t close yourself off to new experiences and different viewpoints. Even an old dog can learn new tricks.