Cancer – 16th September to 22nd September – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

June 21st – July 22nd
You’ve earned some relaxation time, Cancer. Make plans to do all of things that you’ve put on the back burner, contact those you have let down and plan an extravagant evening out. Financially, investments that sound too good to be true probably are and you should avoid any type of get rich quick schemes.

May 21st - June 20th
You may feel like hiding away this week, Gemini. And that’s OK! Don’t force yourself to attend social events that you don’t want to and certainly don’t agree to anything out of guilt. Your needs are important, too. If you need to look at a career change then make the most of your free time this week researching what would truly make you happy day in and day out.

April 20th – May 20th
Your responsibilities will take precedence this week, Taurus. You will feel like a martyr at times and may find yourself resenting a certain someone but this will pass. You want to get together with a new love interest but a clash of dates will prevent it happening when you would like it to. Stay hopeful and rearrange your date for next week.

March 21st - April 19th
The best relationships are built on trust and friendship, Aries. Cultivate a new love interest by going slowly, you will thank yourself later. Your desire to be recognised in the workplace will be yours soon. You may wish to be on a plane to somewhere hot, however duty calls so you will have to wait just a little while longer. Your next trip will be one to remember for a very long time.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Don’t fall to pieces quite yet, Pisces. It is all close to coming together so don’t give up. Follow the path you’ve set for yourself and don’t allow the negative self talk dissuade you from continuing. You are nearly there! A temporary solution to a loved ones problem will be just fine for now, however, remember this isn’t supposed to be for the long term so don’t forget to revisit it.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Don’t sit around waiting for things to happen, Aquarius. You have it within yourself to make the changes you need to be happier and more content. Make the first move with a love interest that has gone quiet, they are simply more reserved than they initially appeared to be. It’s time to get your body moving and sign up to the class that you’ve always wanted to try.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Change can be stressful, Capricorn but don’t let his hold you back from making decisions that will benefit you long term. Acknowledging to yourself that things will be a little tricky for a while is the best way to deal with it. Embarking on a new career pathway is certainly the way forward and it will bring with it a new sense of identity as well as monetary satisfaction.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You have many preconceived ideas about who you are, Saggi. How can you grow and learn if you have put yourself into a box already? Shake off the strict boundaries you have placed around yourself and push the limits to discover what you are truly made of. You are about to find out if a new love interest is going to last the distance or not.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Look at your general health and make small changes to ensure you stay healthy. Leave the car at home more and schedule time in nature when you get some free time. Not only will your body thank you but your mind will reap the benefits, too. Is there a conflict between two different parts of your life? For now, it’s best to keep them separate and not to try to combine the two.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Is a friendship slipping out of reach, Libra? Ask yourself some hard questions and you may come to realise why. There are some big changes in store at work and you are top of the list to move up the ladder. An older member of your family could do with some help with daily tasks but is too proud to ask for help. Reach out and offer a helping hand.