Pisces – 23rd September to 29th September – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Your mind will wander to far away places, Pisces. This is the perfect time to research a holiday for next year but do set yourself a budget! A colleague will need you to collaborate with them and you definitely should – this will pave the way for a big success which will boost your earning potential. Keep a close eye on a family member and offer to help with small chores and tasks.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You need to identify what your career aspirations are instead of blindly taking what is on offer. A good brainstorm and a big dose of reality will help you decide where your future path lies. You are a natural leader but sometimes loved ones will take advantage of this and not contribute – delegate as much as you can this week and let them surprise you with their efforts!

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will have many varied connections this week, Capricorn. You will encounter old friends and make new ones whilst also enjoying cultivating a possible new love interest. There is a beautiful opportunity coming your way which will allow you to discover your spiritual side, and you will start to realise what’s been in store for you all along.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will get an opportunity to take your career in a different direction. This may not be the right choice for you at this moment in time so don’t be afraid to turn it down, you will get to revisit this later down the line. Be more direct than usual with a family member that seems set on making questionable choices – you could be the one that turns things around for them.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Kicking off the week you will find yourself feeling optimistic around a new love match. And so you should be! They are your perfect match for energy and long term goals, don’t be shy with this one, Scorpio. Look outside of your chosen field to earn a bit of extra cash. Towards the end of the week, keep an eye out for a legal document that needs your attention and ready it carefully before signing.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Now is the time to tackle some domestic matters, Libra. It may mean a difficult conversation with a loved one but they need to pull their weight! Speak up before roles get ingrained into an unfair split. Social invitations are a plenty and you may find you’ve double booked yourself if you’re not careful – keep up with life admin as you go along this week.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel more enabled to speak up, Virgo. With the help of a colleague, an unfairness can and will get stamped out but only if you are brave enough to bring attention to it. A project around the house seems daunting but the sooner you get onto it, the sooner it will get done! It won’t be half as time consuming as you think. Social media can help with handy tips so do a little research before you start.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You may find yourself lacking in energy, Leo. You’ve given a new fitness regime a thorough test run, however it is simply too punishing. Ease off a little but don’t give up entirely, just listen to your body and it will tell you what it needs. A date with a difference is on the cards and you will feel new energy enter your relationship, a more playful and intimate side will emerge.

June 21st – July 22nd
Working closely with a colleague will make the project more successful, Cancer. Though they may want to take all of the limelight, your skill set will be recognised for what it is, and you will be rewarded. You will feel more in synch will your partner and tensions will dissolve. Sometimes a deep conversation isn’t needed and the passage of time will do all of the work for you.

May 21st - June 20th
You’ll experience a burst of confidence this week, Gemini and it will put you in a great position in the workplace. Don’t hide your talents, apply for that promotion or new role that you’ve had your eye on. This week is a powerful time to take your relationship to the next level, which could simply mean making things exclusive. This will settle your nerves about their commitment to you.