Taurus – 18th July to 24th July – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

April 20th – May 20th
You will feel that your life is beginning to get to be a bit stale and in a bit of a rut. You will think about joining a club or gym in order to increase your social life a bit and to get fitter of course. You will think also about corresponding by computer or other means with someone in another country. You will plan a holiday with some friends, which you will look forward to.

March 21st - April 19th
Where an ongoing argument is concerned, you will have to both agree to disagree. You will wonder whether one particular person that you see in your life occasionally has any feelings for you. It seems that a petty squabble at work could cause a lot of bad feelings if not nipped in the bud. You will think about buying some kind of up-to-date modern gadget. Singles can look forward to some excitement in their lives this weekend.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will be pleased when you arrange to see a couple this weekend that you have not met for a while. It seems some juicy gossip that will be told to you, will take you aback, but when you think about it, is it true or just said to see your reaction. A small amount of cash out of the blue will allow you to have a personal treat for a change. A friend will cheer you up when you meet for a drink.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about organising a group of people to do something that you are very interested in, and start to plan how you can do it. You will be very tempted to book a cruise that looks like a very good deal, but it will be for later on in the year. Singles will be very pleased with how a date progresses this weekend. A small rise in pay will be welcome but you will still be dissatisfied by the amount and consider moving from where you are working.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will find that you are losing patience with someone close to you and decide that you will have to have a talk with them. You will think about buying some lighting or something sparkly for your home. Someone that you have fallen out with in the past will contact you and will want to apologise. However, you will not know how to respond, maybe you should sleep on it before you do anything.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will not be sure which way to go career wise and you will try a few different things before you actually settle down and know what you want. You will think about getting another qualification as well, go with the flow. You will get some help this weekend to sort out a room. A partner will be quite romantic and you will feel very happy about it. Singles will meet a new love interest in a wine bar.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will plan to relax and chill out this weekend and why not you deserve it? However, one person will want your attention so much that it could quite stressful, you will just have to be firm so that they know where they stand and you can have your chill out. You will plan a weekend away and plan a show and some shopping, and you won’t be on your own!! Those with long time partners will have a cosy night in this weekend.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will feel suspicious about a partner’s behaviour and do a bit of digging to see if your feelings are correct. You will need to try and get a solicitor to move more quickly with a situation as it has already been dragging on. Check some travelling arrangements at the last minute, as there could be a bit of a problem. Singles will feel excited about a new date this weekend.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will plan a very special meal for some friends or family, which will go down very well. You will particularly go for some fancy dessert, which will be applauded by all!! You will think about buying something leather like suitcases or bags of some kind. You will look forward to a holiday in another country soon it will be sun sea and enjoyment. A text from an ex will shock you.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be pleased that your financial circumstances have improved. At the same time, you will contemplate spending some of your money, but wonder whether you should, for some reason you will feel a bit guilty or worried about spending it. Well, everyone deserves a treat now and again if they can afford it. A neighbour will get on your nerves causing loud music or noise of some kind.