Taurus – 27th June to 3rd July – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

April 20th – May 20th
You will think about burying the hatchet for good with someone that has been a problem ongoing for some time. You will sense that a new start is coming for you in life, and you will want to grab it quickly when the opportunity appears. You will listen carefully to a friend’s problem before you give any advice as it does seem a bit of a tricky one. A partner will shower you with compliments and you will wonder what is behind it!

March 21st - April 19th
It is time to sort out that paperwork that you have been putting to one side. However, a welcome distraction will occur this weekend that will lift your spirits. You will be given some lovely flowers too. Someone close will demand your attention just when it is really not convenient and as a result will wrestle with your conscience when you refuse. Someone that you know quite well will make it clear that they are interested in you romantically.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A get together with old friends at a barbeque will go down well this weekend. Those that are single will hear from an old flame but decide to leave things alone and let them stay in the past. You will think about looking for a new job, as you will feel that your present job has lost its challenge for you. A friend will ask you your opinion about a romantic problem that they have.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will think about selling some of your jewellery and get a price, however you will be rather surprised by how much is offered to you. A partner will seem to be a bit distant, and you will decide to have a chat. A couple of friends will ask you out for a lovely meal this weekend. Singles will chill out with friends this weekend too but will also have a text from an old flame.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will think about going on a strict diet to lose a few pounds quickly for a special event. Singles will have the choice between two interested people this weekend. Many will decide to decorate this weekend and be immersed in paint and brushes and will try and drag others in to help them!! You will plan to go on a cruise and look what deals there are on offer. A friend’s partner will make advances towards you, which you will clearly reject.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will have to sort out a situation at work before it gets too complicated. You will realize that someone is interested in you in a romantic way and not know quite how to deal with the situation. May be stand back and give yourself a bit of time to digest it before responding. Those recently separated will wonder whether to have a talk or just to leave it and move on. An invite out for a lovely meal this weekend is coming.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will plan on going on some kind of run or walk but it will take longer than you thought to organise it, but you will get backing. The finances are starting to balance and will get better as time goes by. Singles will have the opportunity to have a holiday romance that could last longer than the holiday!! You will soon send out invitations for something that you have planned. You will have to replace a kitchen gadget that packs up.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
It seems a very busy weekend ahead but a pleasant one. Some big chore will have to be sorted out before you can relax. You will feel that one particular person is not helping at all, and you will say so! You will plan a weekend by the seaside in the not too distant future and be quite popular as a result! A partner will be more fussy than usual, and you will wonder if they have an ulterior motive!

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A couple of friends will ask you to join them on a night out this weekend. You will think about going on a holiday with a friend, but later on in the year if they agree. A vehicle will have a bit of a problem and need to be sorted out fairly soon. Singles will think about joining a walking or rambling group or something similar. Relationships that have just been friends seem to be going on a more romantic route this weekend.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be fed up waiting for someone to keep their promise. You will feel that people at work are not helping you with a particular situation at all, and feel a bit fed up about it. A technical hitch with one possession will have to be sorted out, but it will be rather annoying and inconvenient. Good news from someone close will cheer you up. The finances will tick over nicely but hold back on splashing out.