Aries – 21st March to 27th March – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

March 21st - April 19th
You will have to concentrate on one particular work project. Which will take up a lot of your time but will be well worth it. You will even consider shifting some of the load onto someone whom you can trust. Take time out to talk to someone who needs some TLC. You will feel touched when someone brings you some unexpected flowers. One member of your family will bring good news this weekend.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A relationship seems to be in the balance, and you will be fed up with the hot and cold approach of your partner. This is a classic sign of someone who does not want to commit, by the way. Judge someone by what they do rather than what they say. The finances will improve, and you will soon be in a position to book a lovely holiday. Singles are in for a romantic evening this weekend.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A partner will seem very irritable this weekend. It might be a good idea to just keep your distance till things get back to normal, rather than give them the inquisition about their behaviour. There is some good news coming where the financial situation is concerned. You will treat yourself to a new outfit and you will get some admiring glances when you wear it. You seem to have a secret admirer where the work situation is concerned.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will feel that it is time that you had a break and look at what is available with a view to booking a holiday this weekend. An invitation from a member of your family will really please you. You will sell something that you don’t need any more and you will be surprised by how much you can get for it. Singles will meet someone new this weekend but not be that thrilled about them.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will be very proud of someone in your family when they tell you the news. You will think about having a new pet and you will talk it over with someone close to you. You will consider going on a cruise and look at what the options are for you and a friend or family member. The finances will tick over, and you will think about buying that item for your home that you have had your eye on for a while.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Some plans for a building will have to be finalised and passed through a professional body before you can start work on them. You will think about joining a course or beginning a new hobby of some kind. You will decide to make a cake as a surprise for someone close. Singles will meet someone new in a café. A colleague at work will appear to be very attracted to you.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A work situation that you have been concerned about will soon be sorted out. Some kind of invitation from another country will get you excited, and you will start to plan for it. The financial situation looks steady but keep a beady eye on it. Singles will arrange to meet someone new in a wine bar or pub. Some friendship type relationships will start to turn to a romantic one. Long-term relationships will need geeing up a bit this weekend.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
There is a busy weekend and some chores to attend to before you can relax and chill out. A friend will call round unexpectedly and try and persuade you to go out with them. At least they are good fun, and your spirits will rise when you are in their company. A neighbour’s dog will cause concern, but the word is: try and be tactful in this situation. Some good news about a baby will have you wanting to spread the news and celebrate.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
An arrangement at the weekend may well have to be changed in some way much to your irritation. A trip to the dentist is on the cards. You will be pleased when a friend asks you out for a meal. Singles will think about joining a club or maybe even a dating agency. Someone in your family will bring you flowers. You will feel pressure from someone who wants his or her own way.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will find work a bit tedious and think about changing to something else. You will need to be patient, you will get something else if you want to, but it will take more time than you thought to get it. It will be worth it as you will be better off financially in the long run. New relationships will be a bit up and down so good go either way in the long term. A retail therapy day is on the cards this weekend.