Virgo – 12th September to 18th September – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be very pleased with some kind of kitchen equipment that you have bought after talking with a friend who has something similar. You will have to rearrange some holiday plans, but you will get there in the end. Someone close to you will need some moral support, as their relationship seems to be going downhill. Good news on the financial front as a little unexpected money arrives.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel that life is in a bit of a rut where you are concerned and wish for something good and exciting to happen for a change. Well, it does look as if your dreams are about to come true. It looks as if a little unexpected money is also on the horizon. You will decide to buy something that will save you money energy-wise after talking with a friend about it. You will shortly have an invite to some kind of party or event.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will be a bit concerned about one person’s work and wonder whether to talk to someone of a higher authority about your concerns. It does look as if a holiday will present itself suddenly and it will be quite possible for you to take if you want it. Romance is in the air for new relationships. However, take it steady and try not to rush things, that is the general message.

May 21st - June 20th
It does look like you will have to attend to some chores this weekend before you can relax and chill out. A partner will be a bit awkward, and it looks as if a few choice words will be exchanges before you both call a truce. A child will want your attention and also a favour, which could put your well-laid plans up the creek. You will decide to buy some new furniture and look what is on offer.

April 20th – May 20th
You will hear from a distant relative that you have not heard from for quite a while. Some news coming from the London area will be quite interesting. You will think about doing some kind of voluntary work after talking with a friend about it. Something that you thought was lost forever will turn up out of the blue. Surprising news about a baby will make an impact. Singles will have a text from an old flame.

March 21st - April 19th
You will be asked to go on a holiday or a short break of some kind but not be too sure whether you really want to go. You will be tempted to lend someone close to you some money but maybe you should wait awhile and think again about it later. You will think about having some kind of new beauty treatment. A secret admirer will make themselves known to you much to your complete surprise.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will feel that you are getting somewhere at last in a relationship. Small steps though don’t spoil it. Those with the talent will think about taking singing lesions and may be combining it with something else to. You will bake a cake for someone special and it will be very well received. Some gossip that a friend discloses will upset you a bit, but may be that is all it is, gossip! and it is not true. So bare that in mind.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Watch out those who like a little flutter a small win could see you spending more money than you first intended. Some good news about a wedding will see you expecting an invitation. Two tickets will come fluttering your way to something that you would really like to see. Some will see a little trip on a boat may be the river or it could be the sea; a scenic trip, whichever it is.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
This week will see you wanting to change things around your home for the Autumn and it will be a good time to put these ideas into motion. There will be surprise contact from a family member that you haven’t heard from for many years, and they will have good news to share with you. Keep an eye on an elderly neighbour as they may need more help than they are asking for.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will try and put a bit of distance between you and a partner, as you will be fed up of being dragged in for everything. You will long for a quiet life and some peace just for a while, till you have re-charged your batteries. Gardeners will be out in force trying to change everything for the better, and some investing in some posh outside furniture. A longing to change a vehicle will have people looking at plenty of cars this weekend.