Libra – 4th April to 10th April – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Your weekly horoscopes.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Friends will pop round this weekend and insist that you go out with them. A problem with a watch will have to be sorted out much to your inconvenience. One of your kitchen appliances will also have to be looked at; looks like it works in threes, as there could also be a problem with a purse or something leather. There is a romantic weekend ahead for those in established relationships and singles will settle for a retail therapy day.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A friend cannot wait to tell you the latest gossip, and you will not be very pleased about it. The finances will be rather up and down in the next few weeks, then they will settle down to a budget that you will have worked out. A trip over water will recharge your batteries and lift your spirits. You will think about cooking a special meal for friends and discuss the menu with them. Singles will decide not to bother doing much this weekend.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
An unexpected visitor will surprise you this weekend. You will sort out some bills that have been worrying you and sort out a new budget for yourself to follow. Then the finances will tick over nicely if you keep a sharp eye on it. A friend will want to talk to you about booking a short break or a holiday for later on in the year. A visit to a café will lead to you making a new friend.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will begin to question your relationship and wonder whether it is worth carrying on with it. Singles will think about booking a holiday just for singles. Long distant relationships will begin to look more interesting. The finances will have a surge for the better and as a result it will be possible to book that holiday at last. A teenager will cost a lot of money in the next few weeks so make sure you budget for them.

May 21st - June 20th
You will think about spending rather a lot of money on a television or technical item that you can use as entertainment in some way this weekend. You will meet a few friends and have a great time at the weekend. Work will be a bit of a concern, but a tricky situation will soon be cleared up. A colleague will be oddly behaved around you and you will try and think if it is something that you have done or said.

April 20th – May 20th
You will be a bit resentful, as you will be expected to do the same old things on your own. A feeling that you are being taken for granted will rise to the surface until you will just have to say something. You will think about buying some garden furniture and look what is on offer, and a trip to the garden centre is on the cards this weekend. A partner will want to give you more attention this weekend and will suggest a romantic dinner.

March 21st - April 19th
An unusual set of circumstances will lead to you having to move things around. A partner will be very loving and bring you a small gift. A trip to London is on the cards and you will look forward to it. A legal matter will drag on and you will have to put some pressure on to get things moving. Singles will hear from an ex and be tempted to contact them. The finances will tick over nicely.

Feb 19th – March 20th
An exciting weekend ahead with unexpected visitors making things rather rushed. You will toy with the idea of moving from where you are living and look at possible places. However, it looks as if there will be opposition from others about moving. Singles will book a great holiday this weekend. Long distant relationships seem to be fizzling out a bit. Good news about a baby will lift your spirits. A small cash amount landing out of the blue will please.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will be asked to help plan someone’s wedding. You will be concerned about a neighbour and decide that you will have to tread carefully one this one. You will begin to feel that someone that you know is beginning to feel attracted to you and wonder what to do about it. The finances look okay, but you will have to budget carefully for a while to keep it that way. You will decide to treat a child and you will go to great lengths to surprise them.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
The opportunity for a new job is on the horizon. The finances will be quite good and tick over nicely. Some unexpected cash will be welcome, and a small amount will be on going, which you had not accounted for. Some good news through the post will surprise you too. Singles will think about joining a gym or some kind of course or group. This will definitely increase their social life.