Taurus – 12th December to 18th December – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

April 20th – May 20th
A busy and exciting time for you as the Christmas season gets under way and you will be surprised by how generous people are with you and your family. An energetic walk with a group will be a good start to the day and be a pleasant end followed by a good pub lunch with people that you know. A catch up with someone that you have not seen for ages is on the cards. A romantic weekend for those in long-term relationships.

March 21st - April 19th
Happy days are here again, so the song goes, and how true it will be with you. You will wonder whether to buy someone that you like a present for Christmas and struggle about how much and what exactly to get them, as you will not want to be seen as mean or on the other hand too over the top either. You will be surprised by how you sail through a difficult time and get through the other side happy and pleased with what you have accomplished.

Feb 19th – March 20th
An old flame will try and get in touch and you will not be sure how to respond. The best way is to sleep on it and if not sure do nothing. The finances will settle a little but you will still have to take things steady. A small win of some kind will cheer you up. You will arrange for friends to come round for a meal and be determined to put on some really lovely food to make a good impression.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Singles will decide to go on a singles holiday for next year, but will try and persuade a friend to go with them for moral support. An attempt at making a Christmas cake will go down well. A small amount of cash, but not too small, out of the blue will light your eyes up. Long-term relationships pep up this weekend with a romantic twist. Friendship type relationships seem to be fizzling out this weekend.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Just when you thought that you had completed something at work another situation arises that will need your attention for some time. A problem with a pipe will need to be sorted out as soon as you can. The finances will need to be looked at and will be a bit better than you thought. Romance is in the air this weekend and also the chance to relax and re-charge your batteries, take it while you can.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
A friend will need some moral support where her love life is concerned. You will think about buying a new gadget for your kitchen. A fence will need some attention and there will be a discussion with a neighbour about it. You will plan a long-haul holiday for next year, as a special deal will appear that you just cannot refuse. An ex will make it clear that they want to talk, with a view to trying again to make the relationship work.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Unavoidable chores will have to be done before you can chill out this weekend, and you must de-clutter that cupboard or wardrobe before Christmas or you won’t be able to cram your new stuff in. Romance is in the air for singles who have been on their own for a long time. It looks like a cosy meal for two will be the start of a long-term relationship. The finances will be a bit up and down so keep a close eye on it. A party invite will cheer you up.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will organise a family get together as you will feel it is up to you to do it. News from another country will be a bit puzzling and you will contact someone about it to see what it going on. A family day out will re-charge everyone’s batteries and put you all in a good mood. Check up on something that you have ordered as it looks like it could be delivered somewhere else by mistake.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
The chance to go for an interview will come out of the blue. However, you will have to act quickly if you want to get anywhere. Unexpected visitors will have you rushing around at the last minute. A child will do very well and show a lot of talent and you will consider spending money on tuition for them. The finances seem to be balancing out a bit much to your relief. A lovely meal out will put you in a romantic mood.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be a bit surprised by some documents that you receive. You will feel that a neighbour is being a bit difficult and decide to avoid them if you can. A little cash out of the blue will be very welcome. You will get an invite out for a meal, which you will really enjoy. A good deal for a holiday will come up unexpectedly. You will wonder whether to change a vehicle or not and look what is on offer.