Pisces – 12th December to 18th December – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Just when you thought that something would not work it all does. An invite to a family event will please you. You will be surprised by how generous someone will be with you. You will be so busy that you will long for time out on your own and make excuses and not go to something that you had arranged to go to, just so you can re-charge your batteries. You will be a bit embarrassed when someone gives you an expensive gift.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will be invited to a meal on water or where there is water, may be a view of a lake or a river or even the sea, it will be a bit of a different but memorable experience for you. At home you will think about buying some shelving or a bookcase something along those lines. Romance is in the air this weekend and singles can guarantee meeting someone that they will be really attracted to. You will go to a celebration of some sort it looks like balloons are go.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will decide to have a new look hair wise and clothes wise and get some professional advice. You will even consider some type of beauty work done to your face. New relationships look good, and many will receive some perfume and flowers. Singles will find themselves invited to one or two parties and will have a really good time choosing where to go. A partner will buy you some clothes for Christmas for the new you.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will feel that people at work are spending too much time messing about under the excuse of Christmas, and that you are slaving away. A chance encounter on a train could lead to a long-term relationship. You will be excited when you realise that you are going to have visitors to actually stay with you, and that you will have your work cut out cooking and looking after them.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Surprising developments at work will put you in a good mood. A colleague will seem to follow you around and you will wonder what is going on with them. A Saturday out with friends will work out great but you will have to keep a secret. You will hint to a partner something that you would like for Christmas, but you will need to keep at it, or it will not register. Some nice perfume is coming your way soon.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Although you will be very busy you will still arrange to meet someone that you have not seen for ages and be surprised by how much you enjoy their company. You will also be surprised; by some lovely flowers that someone will give you rather unexpectedly. Some invite to a party of someone kind, will put you in a good mood. Singles will be tempted to meet and ex that has contacted them.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
A family get together will go very well but you will be a bit concerned about one particular person who is there, and you will make up your mind to ask someone about them to see if everything is ok. Someone will buy you some rather upmarket chocolates, which you will be very tempted to open before you should, don’t do it!! A chore that you had been dreading doing and been putting off will be done by someone else, yippee.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel very happy for one particular member of your family. You will organise a bit of a get together and try and make it really Christmassy. A small amount of unexpected cash will be very welcome, and someone will give you some kind of voucher. You will meet others for a bit of a walk in a park or forest. A meal out with friends or colleagues will go very well but you will find yourself avoiding one person if you can.

June 21st – July 22nd
It looks like some good news from another country will make you feel much happier in yourself and what’s more you will be asked to visit, and a firm date will be sorted out soon. It looks like a wedding invitation is on the cards soon too. You will hint about how much you would like a particular book hoping that they will get it for you for Christmas. Someone close to you will buy you roses.

May 21st - June 20th
Good news about an engagement will filter through and you will be very pleased for them. You will be invited to a bit of a posh party or event and rush out to buy a new outfit that will be fit to impress. Although you will be very busy you will still find time to visit someone whom you know will be a bit low in themselves or just lonely, and your visit will cheer them up.