Capricorn – 19th December to 25th December – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

Your weekly horoscopes.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Singles will think about taking a trip to another country. A colleague will make it obvious that they are interested in you, although everyone will see it except yourself. You will try and organize a surprise for your partner but have to get over one or two problems first to make it work. Good news about a wedding will make you want to celebrate. There is a romantic weekend ahead.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Although you will have moved on in a new relationship, when an ex contacts you, it will be a bit disturbing, and you will not be sure how to respond. The best thing will be to think about it for a day or two, then, your gut feeling should kick in. The finances will improve a little even though you won’t think they will. A meal with family members will go well although you will try and avoid one person.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Good news where a job is concerned however they will get their pound of flesh, in other words you will have to work for it. A trip to London is on the cards for the New Year. You will think about joining a group that you are interested in. You will feel that someone close to you is being a bit mean and that they are trying to control your spending to. Don’t let it get any worse a little chat might do the trick.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will be expected to do some extra hours at work, which will not go down very well with you. It looks like a busy weekend ahead, and you will have do get some chores out of the way before you can chill out. You will feel that a partner is being unreasonable and feel that you will have to have things out with them once and for all. A friend will offer to lend you some money to get you out of a situation.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will be excited by a get together that is coming up, but also feel slight anxiety as there will be someone present that you are not sure about. A small-unexpected cash amount will arrive making your day. Check a wallet or purse or anything containing cash is secure when travelling. Singles will hear from someone that they have not been in contact with for a while.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be a bit annoyed with someone that you have given time to, as they have not reciprocated like you thought they would. You will be pleased with a present that has some beauty products that you like. A meal out with someone close will go really well. A family member will try and re-arrange arrangements that have been sorted for a while, which could mess up some of your other arrangements.

June 21st – July 22nd
Someone that caught your eye in a café or restaurant will make it obvious that they are interested in you too. Keep a token present on one side as you are going to need it to give to someone whom you had forgotten or not sure about. Someone will give you an expensive bottle of plonk for which you will be very grateful!! Just when you are about to give up on someone, they will turn up with all sorts of excuses.

May 21st - June 20th
You will feel that someone close is a bit peeved about something, but they are not saying what it is. If they don’t enlighten you after you have enquired about what the problem is, then just ignore them and carry on. Good news from another country will put you in a good mood. Check out a lift or a taxi time it will be worth it. A child will want to change direction career wise, and it will take a bit of sorting out.

April 20th – May 20th
It seems a lot of little jobs need to be done but it will be difficult getting someone going, to do them for you!! May be the temptation of a lovely will get them motivated. Friends or family that could not make it will suddenly find that they can, and as a result have you rushing round at the last minute. Some good news about a baby will have you wanting to celebrate. A small cash amount will put you in a good mood.

March 21st - April 19th
Although not much seems to be happening in your love life, things are happening, and you will shortly be pleasantly surprised. You will give up on one person and decide that enough is enough and block them from your life for good. A great night out with friends this weekend will perk you up. A cash refund or bonus will be unexpected. Singles will find they have a lot in common with someone they meet on a night out.