Scorpio – 26th December to 1st January – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
A plan to earn some money will go well. However, someone will keep telling you it won’t work. You will need to sort out some building work but there will be problems before it all is done. A partner will spring a nice surprise for you; however, you may not appreciate it enough, which won’t go down very well. Your excuse will be that you have a lot on your mind. Get your suitcase ready, as a short holiday is looking good.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will have the chance to move from where you are living but there will be a lot to consider, and you will wonder whether it will all be worth it at the end of the day. Singles will bump into an old friend when out an about and they will have a catch-up. You will search for a particular dress or colour, and you will find it if you persevere. Someone will give you some beautiful flowers.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel much happier at work now that someone has left. You will make a new friend through some interest that you join. Singles who have been on their own for a long time will have the opportunity to start a new relationship, although they will be wary at first it could go really well if they take one step at a time. You will think about buying a new bed or some bedroom furniture.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be waiting quite a while for an answer from someone, which will make you feel rather irritated. A family member will badger you to do something that you are not sure about. You will not approve of a pet that causes a bit of a commotion, but it is something that you will have to put up with for a while. You will be pleased with a present from someone close to you. Singles will have the opportunity to communicate with an ex.

June 21st – July 22nd
There is something that you really want to do but you will not have the confidence to go for it at the moment. Take baby steps and build up to it, then you will know when it is the right time. Important news regarding a job is soon coming your way. The opportunity to get a great deal on a holiday will soon appear, however you will have to act quickly if you want to get it.

May 21st - June 20th
A family break up or feud of some kind will at last be sorted out and as a result the atmosphere will be lifted when you meet in the future. You will be pleased to hear from someone that you had lost contact with, and they will want to renew the relationship, however it will be a bit difficult to do so because of your present circumstances. Singles will have a good time this weekend with friends and a secret admirer.

April 20th – May 20th
A running argument with a partner will at last be sorted out. A surprise meal will be the starter for a romantic evening that will bring you both even closer together. You will meal that you need some time on your own that will alarm your partner a little but once you explain all will be well. You will organise a weekend away to charge your batteries and break up your routine a little.

March 21st - April 19th
You will be a bit fed up with a present situation and try and stand back so that you can see things clearly. Also, a friend that you confide in will give you some good advice about the situation that you had not thought of. You will be rather pleased with an unexpected present but be a little embarrassed, as you will not have bought them anything. There is a lively night out this weekend with family or friends.

Feb 19th – March 20th
There is a lively weekend ahead for you meeting with friends or family. You will decide to treat yourself to something that you have wanted for ages. You will think about changing a vehicle and look at some possibilities that you are interested in. A romantic weekend for singles is on the cards. Some kind of unexpected bonus will come your way. You will change your hair and it will make a dramatic change to your looks.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Things at work will look up and the opportunity for promotion will be sooner that you thought. It will soon be possible to book for that cruise that you had your eye on. Newish relationships will boost up to the next level and you will begin to feel more relaxed about your future. Singles will be delighted when an ex arrives out of the blue. An invite to a party will light your eyes up.