Virgo – 2nd January to 8th January – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will decide not to bother with any New Year resolutions as you now that you never keep to them. However you will vow to lose a bit of weight and it does look like you will accomplish it. Although it looks as if you will not go on a holiday this year you will find that you will have one and it will be a good one. Singles will join a new dating agency and will meet some really nice people and eventually the one.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be surprised by the fact that someone gives you some cash as a present. You will be invited out by friends but wonder whether at the last minute to go or not. You will order something on line, and find that the best thing would be to really send it back although you won’t want to. You will look at your finances and decide to work out a new budget. You will think about asking for a rise in pay.

June 21st – July 22nd
A night out with the girls this weekend will go well, but watch the finances or you may find that you spend far too much, than you had allowed for. You will look at some special type of lights or lamps with a view to making one room a lot more sparkly looking. You will decide to set up a savings plan to save up for one thing in particular that you want, and be determined to stick to it.

May 21st - June 20th
You will meet a couple of friends this weekend and have a catch-up. You will make a date with someone close to go on a retail trip, with a view to buying something in particular that you want to buy. A dinner out with a loved one will be a bit of a celebration for you too. Singles will contact someone from their past and have a bit of a chat. The finances will need a new budget that you need to stick to.

April 20th – May 20th
Your relationship will seem to improve in some way this weekend and as a result will make you feel happier. You will decide to lose weight and go on a new type of diet. A new hairstyle will do wonders for your confidence, so go for it. Some changes at the last minute to a trip out will mean that you have to do a bit of fast thinking. You will take time out this weekend to start that new book you want to read.

March 21st - April 19th
Unexpected developments will have you questioning certain things. The chance to see a show of some kind that looks really good will appear out of the blue. You may feel pressured to help someone out in a financial way. Try and resist. A family member will help you out in some way and you will be really pleased about it. The finances will steady up a little but nothing to really worry about.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will feel that it is about time that you had that promotion, and it is looking closer. Someone definitely has their eye on you workwise and is impressed with what you do. A partner will be a bit demanding, and you will find yourself withdrawing from them. If things don’t improve it looks like a chat is in order before things get worse. Singles will have the chance of a romantic date this weekend.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A new relationship will improve even further this weekend. You will be pleased by a gift a partner springs on you. It looks like a vehicle is past its best, and the best thing would be to get another if possible before it deteriorates further. A colleague will be very interested in you, and you will wonder where it will lead if you respond. However, although you have a partner, you will be drawn to them in some way, and you will have to decide how to handle things before they develop further.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
At last things will start to improve. You will confide in a close friend about a problem in your relationship and you will be surprised by what they say. You will have to sort out a pet and a child will help you and you will be pleased by how they behave. A friend will try and persuade you to go on a coach trip with them. The finances will improve slightly due to you changing things, however a new budget that you put into place will improve things further.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You will wonder whether it is worth pursuing a relationship, as it seems to be on and off hot and cold. However, it will be difficult to finish it as it seems you will have known each other for so long and you have such hopes that things will change for the better. A good guide when deciding about a relationship is to look at how someone behaves and not what they say, any one can say anything promise anything, but do they follow it through?