Virgo – 13th February to 19th February – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

Aug 23rd – Sep 22nd
You will feel a bit fed up in a relationship as you have been very patient and given your partner time after time chances to put things right. So now you will feel that it is getting to be decision time. Well after all the talking and trying to solve a problem it is still there the only way to get rid of the stress it to get rid of the problem altogether, by walking away or giving up on it.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be a bit annoyed with someone, as you will feel that you have been left out or ignored in some way. It looks as if everyone knows something accept you. There is an interesting weekend ahead with one family member insisting that you see them. However make sure you get some me time to settle with your favourite book and re-charge your batteries. The finances will show a slight improvement.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will be a bit concerned by a colleague’s behaviour at work and decide to talk to someone in authority about it. Although they know that you are in a relationship someone will still keep trying to get your attention on the romantic front. The finances will ease up and look better than they have for a while. However you still will not to spend much till things improve.

May 21st - June 20th
You will be delighted when a friend asks you to go on a holiday with them. You will need to start thinking about de-cluttering especially in the clothes department. Why hang on to them when you don’t wear them. You will try eating in a bit of a different way. May be more vegetables or more fruit less carbs, whatever it is that you do will make you feel better. It won’t be a diet as such just healthier eating.

April 20th – May 20th
A friend will depend on your friendship and moral support. You will go out for a lovely meal provided by a voucher that a family member has given you. You will book to go to the theatre to something that you have wanted to go to for a while. You will feel that a friend is avoiding you and ask others if they know what is going on. You will have a go at a new hobby that you have seen someone else doing.

March 21st - April 19th
You will start to think that life is beginning to be on a more even keel after a bit of a hectic time recently. You will look carefully at your finances with a view to buying something fairly expensive. Singles can expect a lot of attention this weekend. An old flame will try and contact you to. You will feel that a work colleague is being deliberately awkward. You will be thrilled with a new outfit that you have bought.

Feb 19th – March 20th
A surprise at work will put you in a good mood. A friend will want you to go with them to a special meal, which will be very interesting. You will think about buying a picture or painting which you really like. You will get some quotes for some work that you would like doing in your home. Singles will decide to meet someone whom they have been texting for a while. Some lovely flowers are coming your way.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will feel that someone is taking advantage of your good nature and decide to put your foot down. It looks like you will go out with a friend for the day with the intention of buying a new outfit for a special event that you have been invited to. The finances look promising and a stoke of luck will make them look even better soon. Those in new relationships will have rather a romantic weekend.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
Gardeners will think about buying something rather expensive for the garden and will spend rather a lot of time in some garden centres. Singles will have a good night out this weekend with friends and an old friend will want to renew your acquaintance. You will find that you do not believe some shocking gossip that is told to you about a friend. You will try and put a stop to the gossip immediately.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
You decide to lose some weight and try and get someone else to do it with you. You will plan a holiday by the sea and feel quite excited about it. A trip to London will also be on the cards to. A friend will ask you to check something out that she has done as she is a bit unsure about things, and she wants to get it right. A small-unexpected cash amount will enable you to have a good meal out with your family.