Cancer – 20th February to 26th February – Elizabeth Rose
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Your weekly horoscopes.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will be a bit annoyed with a friend when they rush out and buy the same outfit that you have just bought. Especially as it cost quite a lot of money and they are likely to wear it when you do. Also they had even not the decency to ask you if you minded them buying it too. Well they do say that copying is the highest form of flattery don’t they? A partner will want to book a lovely holiday and you will be happy to go along with it.

May 21st - June 20th
You will plan to go to an exhibition of some sort, and will be very interesting, much more so than you thought it would be. Some one will take you out for a rather nice meal, but you will know that they are trying to get in your good books but will go along with it. You will be thinking what happens next? and you will just wait patiently and see what happens!! You will look round a new bungalow that is for sale.

April 20th – May 20th
You will wonder if someone close to you is more interested in some money that you have, than you!! Time will definitely tell on this one. You will think about having some new carpets or flooring of some kind. It seems that you are going to get some flowers given to you, by way of an apology. You could gracefully accept as you have already made your point.

March 21st - April 19th
Beware of people who will try and get you to take out pensions or life insurance or some such similar thing, which will involve you putting in money. It seems a good thing on the surface but when you look into it is either a scam or a rip off of some kind. Singles will have a good weekend with the unexpected happening. You will think about treating your family in some way and look at what options that you have.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You will feel that a relationship has run its course and make the difficult decision to end it. The finances will be steady and you will look at booking a holiday to somewhere that you have always wanted to go to. You will get an offer to go to another country to stay will someone to. It looks like you will get an invite to a wedding. The chance to change your job will come up out of the blue.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You will plan a train journey but it will turn out more complicated than you thought. The finances seem to improve a little with a small bonus or unexpected cash of some sort coming in. A family member will help you out in some way, which will take you by surprise. Singles will be a bit taken aback when an old flame contacts them. You will make a cake to please a loved one.

Dec 22nd – Jan 19th
You will book a flight to go to another country to meet someone that you know. A friend will offer to water your plants and keep an eye on your home if you are away for a while, which you will be grateful for, as it will solve one problem. The finances look steady and you will be tempted to buy something nice for your home that you have had your eye on for a while. Romance is in the air for singles this weekend.

Nov 22nd – Dec 21st
Singles will look at booking a holiday purely for singles. Some will also look at booking a cruise drawn to the many special offers that they see are offered at the moment. Work will be a bit of a pain and you will wonder at times whether you are in the right job. A family member will want to get a pet but you will try and persuade them not too. You will rush out on impulse and buy some paint with a view to decorating.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You will be delighted to hear from someone from another country. A friend will tell you a secret and make you promise not to tell another soul, which because of the nature of the secret you will have great difficulty keeping. You will think about doing up one room in your home to bring it more modern and comfortable and start to look at what you can do to make it look really good.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
After a bit of a boring routine episode in your life, things will suddenly start moving and get quite interesting, especially to the single person. The opportunity to move forward will be offered to you and it looks good! Those wanting to move from where they are living will be delighted to find the ideal place for them. Romance is in the air this weekend for those wining and dining.