Libra – 13th May to 19th May – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers


Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
This is going to be a good week. Love and romance is looking to be progressing just nicely and your social life is picking up, too. You will share some good times and make memories with people that will come to mean a great deal to you. Professionally, trust your judgement and have confidence in your decisions – it will take you far.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
As your social life becomes more active, ensure you take time out for yourself, Libra. Self care is vitally important so don’t let that slide with too many late nights. A new love interest will be introduced by one of your oldest friends. It will be a positive match and could potentially lead to something very special if you allow it to.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will achieve clarity around a relationship issue, Libra. And it will feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders and things aren’t as bad as you feared. You may be looking at travel plans and you shouldn’t delay booking or you may risk losing out. Keep coming up with ideas in the workplace, there is one in particular which will ear mark you for promotion.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A long standing issue in the workplace is set to be resolved, Libra. Though it may not be fully to your liking, time will bring more clarity as to the reasons around the decision. In matters of the heart, it’s time to break unhealthy patterns and believe that you can make changes for a long term happy relationship. Without the belief things can change they can’t change.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
It is a busy week for you, Libra. In the home you will find yourself tackling renovations and repairs, and about time too! Leave the bigger jobs to the experts though as it could end up costly if not done correctly. Look at taking proactive measures for your health, small changes will lead to big results over time.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
In matters of the heart, Libra, trust that everything will work out. A miscommunication will be quickly cleared up and in turn will open us much more openness between you both. In the workplace, you will feel stagnated and bored, consider it may be time to move on. If you do nothing, nothing will change. Be brave, you have lots to offer other employers!

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will be negotiating this week, Libra and will be successful! Don’t be shy in trying to get a discount, you may just surprise yourself at how good your are at haggling. Keep an eye on your privacy online, ensure that you change one particular password frequently. You will be privy to some information about a colleague which you should keep to yourself, or it could cause upset in the team.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Know your value, Libra. This will stand you in good stead when looking for a promotion or pay rise. Don’t undersell yourself and believe that you are worth it. You will need to take an active part in a property mater, be it renovation or organisation. Release negative energy from the past as it is serving you no purpose. The number 7 is lucky for you this week.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
It’s your lucky week, Libra. The stars are aligning to bring success and in most areas of your life, especially on the work front. This is the perfect time to win people over and achieve your goals – what are you waiting for? It’s also great time to have important conversations with loved ones and resolve an issue once and for all.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will receive a number of proposal this week, Libra. Both in matters of the heart and at work. Take each one on their own merit before deciding as there is a possibility one could disrupt the other. An outlier in your friendship group needs to earn trust, bring them closer into the fold and keep your ear to the ground.