Libra – 20th January to 26th January – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers


Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
It is totally normal and healthy to question your place in the world, in fact we should all do it more. You will begin to realise that there are a lot of people that aren’t as fortunate as you and will want to do something about it and you must. A helping hand, no matter how small is going to change someone’s life and it will be because of you and others like you.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Connecting with your significant other emotionally is hard long term. However, sometimes people just need a little space and time to return to their usual self. Giving them the opportunity to go and come back will work wonders for any trust issues you have in your relationship. Look around your living areas and be prepared to be ruthless in getting rid of those items that simply don’t serve you any longer.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
If you feel like you’ve taken on too much then scale it back. Prioritise the commitments you’ve made and push those back that aren’t terribly important. Be honest with your partner and get them to do certain household chores and tasks to lighten the load. Stay out of conflict in the workplace as it is set to get messy.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Wow, where did that year go, Libra? It’s been full on for you and much has happened that you are still to process. You have a whole year to absorb and reflect on the past if you choose to, however it isn’t advised. Leave the past where it belongs and look to the future. Only you can make the changes that are desperately needed to make your life more rounded and fulfilling, so what are you waiting for?

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Stay in your own lane if family members are bickering! They will soon lose steam but sometimes the least said, soonest mended. You may find yourself lacking in the Christmas spirit in the lead up to the big day, however, once all the chores and last minute tasks are completed you will find yourself having a very merry time after all.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
If your mind keeps wandering to far off places then get those travels plans finalised and booked for next year, now! If you put it off much longer you may lose out on the opportunity to do exactly what you had planned. Double check the time you have written down for an important appointment before setting off. The 20th will bring some good family news.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
If your schedule is worrying you then consider cancelling a few social engagements. It won’t be the end of the world and you will be proud of putting your own needs first for a change. If your expecting your significant other to make inroads into your joint ‘to do’ list then you may be waiting for a while – encourage them to get started by giving them all the tools needed to do the job!

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Don’t let something that is bothering you fester. A heart to heart will clear the air and make things so much clearer. The easy choice is to brush things under the carpet but it isn’t the right thing to do for the long term. Find some courage and speak up. If you’re single, a work get together will bring you into contact with a strong love match.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
If you’re on the market for a new partner then you may meet your match this week, Libra. A rocky start will have you running in the opposite direction but the more you reflect on your initial meeting the more you will realise they are perfect for you. An elderly member of the family is struggling to do day to day tasks – is there anything you can do to help?

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Research new ways to keep your health and fitness on track. You appear to be tiring of your current schedule and the rewards aren’t as good as you had hoped. Rethink your strategy and reap the benefits. Though you are keen to avoid conflict, a workplace incident will have you clamouring to support the underdog.