Leo – 3rd July to 9th July – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A day trip to some kind of park will be very interesting for you. You will be a bit worried when someone hints at you lending them some money as you will know deep down there will be a problem getting it back. You will think about buying something for your home maybe carpets or some kind of wood furniture. Singles could find themselves accepting a ring from a loved one. You will think about buying a gadget for the kitchen.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be very tempted to organise a weekend away but have to organise a couple of things first if you do and that could be a bit tricky. However you would have a good time if you go for it. You will have an invitation from a friend that will please you and it will be a good excuse for you to buy something new to wear. A family member will treat you to a night out this weekend and you will wonder if they have an ulterior motive.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will have mixed feelings about work, and wish in some way you could change it to achieve other secret ambitions that you have. It does look like you have not reached your optimum and could do a lot better and achieve more, if you really wanted to. You will think about joining a club or group of some sort that holds events or things outside. Singles will be surprised when someone shows interest in them when they are on their own in a café or restaurant.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will think about taking on some part time work that you can do at home on a computer. You will be reluctant to find some child- care for some reason, although you will really need it. You will get someone to do some decorating that you just cannot do, and be pleased and pleasantly by the price. You will need to buy some particular clothing for something that you are going to do, maybe walking boots or running gear etc.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will have an invite to some kind of event where you will feel that it is necessary to have a decent outfit. So you will hotfoot out with a friend for a retail day to buy that must have outfit that will wow everybody. A family member will be a bit annoying and you will realise that the best thing to do will be ignore them, rather than an in depth discussion that won’t change anything anyway. Maybe it has happened before?? A small cash amount out of the blue will please you.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
In one way you will want to move but in another way you won’t, may be you just need more room and feel that you have to leave where you are to feel less stressed. You will be annoyed with one member of your family, due to an argument over a pet, which will not go down very well with you, especially as you had relied on them in some way. You will realise that the finances are beginning to improve but will not want to spend much till they are even better.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be pleased when you get some tickets to an event that you want to go to. A partner will be awkward when they realize that there is something that you want to do on your own. May be they are jealous and worried that you don’t want them with you because you don’t care enough, which of course is not the case, you just want to do your own thing. What is more stick to your guns and don’t be emotionally blackmailed by anyone. Singles will receive a text from an old flame.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will think about planning a long haul holiday, but a partner will not agree with what you want to book. So it will take a bit of persuasion to get what you want. You will think about buying something new for a kitchen, and look at quite a few things before you decide what you want to get. Someone close will try and sabotage your diet, which will annoy you a bit. You will buy something for your home that will need to be assembled when it arrives, which will make someone not exactly happy.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Some good news about a friends wedding will cheer you up. You will be a bit concerned about someone close to you who seem very restless and appear to want to move and change their job. They do not know what they really want at all at the moment. However one thing is clear and that is they are not happy in their life as it is. You will give them moral support. Your finances are set to have a bit of a boost. You will be happy with a document that you receive shortly.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel that one room in your home is ready for decoration and you will try and persuade someone to help you do it. They will seem a bit reluctant at first but will gain enthusiasm as time goes by. You may feel tempted to spend more money to up date the room as well. Double-check any taxi arrangements that you have, as there could be a misunderstanding.