Leo – 11th September to 17th September – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel a bit worried about a change that is going to come at work. Someone is going to send you some lovely flowers and they will put you in a good mood. You will think about buying something special for your home and look at the Internet to see what choice you have. You will feel that a partner is deliberately giving you the silent treatment and you will decide that this time you will just ignore them.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A small win with a ticket will cheer you up. An unexpected visitor will get you a bit flustered although you will be pleased to see them you will feel a bit put out in some way. You will think about buying a modern coffee machine and look at all the different types that are on special offer. You will have a discussion about taking a day trip this weekend to re-charge your batteries. Singles will be surprised to hear from an old flame.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be a bit dissatisfied with some project that you have going and ask someone close to you for their opinion about it. An animal will cause a bit of a problem but you will sort it out quite quickly. You will look at your diet and wonder how you can change it in some way. A vehicle will need attention and you will even consider changing it. You will think about buying a new gadget or something for the house.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be thinking about your finances long term and wonder what you could put in place for your old age. It looks like you will want to put money away or hide some money from someone too. You will look at another property but it does look as if it will cost more than you thought so you may well put things on hold for some while. However someone close will offer to help you out financially, but will not be sure about accepting their offer.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will look at a property and you will not know how quite to proceed. May be give it a bit of time and you will know which direction to take. Someone close will want to take you out for a special meal, you will not refuse even though you may well have to re-arrange some plans. You will get a good last minute deal on a flight and be rather pleased with yourself. A partner will be rather affectionate this weekend and you will wonder why? Have they an ulterior motive.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will need to keep a diary of events of a recent situation so that you have everything readily at hand, if you are asked anything, then you will be able to see things at a glance. Also your thoughts will be clear an in order. An old flame will decide to contact you and you will not know how quite to respond. Perhaps sleep on it for a day or two rather than reply on impulse and then regret it later. You will think about buying a piece of jewellery.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will sort out some paperwork for one member of your family, as they cannot be bothered to do it and just seem to be getting in a mess with it. You will feel that a partner does not really appreciate what you are doing and you will find yourself sitting down and having a good talk with them to try and get your feelings over to them. You will hint to someone that owes you money that it is about time that they started to pay you back.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be rather surprised when someone asks you to take more responsibility. You will think about taking a break to London or somewhere where there is a bit of life going on for a couple or days to take in the sites and chill out. One member of your family seems to be very stubborn over a recent situation, and it will really irritate you to the point of having a go at them over it now and then you just will not be able to drop it, till you have some kind of satisfaction.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A person with blue eyes will tell you something that you will be really pleased about. Someone close to you will ask you to accompany them somewhere as they do not want to go on their own, which will surprise you a bit. You will ask around in the family to give you a hand with a bit of decorating. You will get an invite that will have you really looking at what you are going to wear, it does look like somewhere special as you are taking a particular look at your clothes and feel very undecided, if fact you may well ask a friend what they think.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will wonder why one member of your family is being so friendly and nice and cannot do enough for you, may be they have an ulterior motive? Someone will give you some lovely flowers soon. You will think about going on a day trip and will have to make a few arrangements first. You will think about buying a mirror that is rather ornate or sparkly in some way to brighten up a room. You will be pleased when you get an invite to a barbeque.