Leo – 25th December to 31st December – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Just remember that you are your own person, and you should never apologise for this. You are unique and loved by many, so don’t pay attention to the small minded people who don’t understand you. Keeping up with the Jone’s is a fruitless task and you will help a friend to realise this. Be mindful of a colleague that isn’t finding it easy to fit in, a kind word goes a long way and won’t be forgotten.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Being part of a team can be rewarding, but also frustrating. You will notice someone is not pulling their weight and you aren’t the only one. Tongues are wagging and changes will be made. A delightful email will find it’s way to you and you will feel validated in your decision making around a love matter. Be careful with the spending, it is far too easy this time of year to throw caution to the wind.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
This may be a good time to reap the benefit of your investments to ensure your cash flow isn’t disrupted. Be polite in conversations with a work colleague as they could misinterpret and repeat your comments. A sibling or cousin really needs help and you are the perfect person to assist. Those in relationships with be happily surprised by their partner thinking outside of the box.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Be mindful of pressures that other people are putting you under and put boundaries in place to stop this happening again in the future. Career development is on the agenda and you could achieve this within your current company. An opportunity to pull in extra income will present itself to you.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Don’t give up! This process so is much more difficult than you ever imagined but you are so close now. Don’t undo your progress. An unexpected email or letter will let you into a secret, keep it close to your chest for future negotiations! Love is in the air as someone has noticed just how special you are.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be a bit fed up of staying in and make some arrangements to meet a friend. You will wonder where you can cut down financially as there will be something that you will want to save up for. You will be surprised when someone gives you something from their home that they don’t want, but is in beautiful condition. A partner will seem a bit moody and you will have to have a chat with them about it.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Some one will ask you whether you would like to go to a pantomime. You will organise a train journey and be quite excited about it. You will be invited out for a night out with the girls, but hesitate about going as you will feel that it is just the same old. You may feel that you need some vitamin tablets for a while, as you will have a bit of a bout of tiredness, but it will soon pass and you will feel back to normal.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will save for a special outfit for Christmas and know exactly when you are going to wear it. You will have a Christmas invitation that you did not expect and be really happy about it. Someone will buy you something made out of leather. You will think about changing your phone to something a lot more technical. You will arrange a holiday in another country and someone in your family will not be very happy about it.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will think that maybe you are being a bit too strict with someone who is close to you and decide to relax things a bit just to see how it goes for a while. You will start to plan a big holiday for next year and get others quite excited about it too. You will become friendly with someone who is good at arts and crafts or who has an artistic streak, that they could well bring out more, if they had the opportunity and moral support.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
It is possible that you could get some kind of promotion where your job is concerned, but at what cost? Will it mean more hours more effort or more responsibility? And do you really want it? You will think about taking a break where they accept animals. You will be pleased when someone in your family gives you some good news. You will think about taking a holiday where there is particularly beautiful water or a lake.