Leo – 9th December to 15th December – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Speak to your significant other about your desires, you may be surprised by their enthusiastic reaction! This will take your bond to the next level as you learn about the joys of giving and receiving. A close colleague wants to speak to you about going into business together. Though scary, it could be the chance you’ve always dreamed of to be financially secure.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A unique career opportunity will be presented to you but you will dismiss it from the outset. Why is this? Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face. You’ve been working on a goal and you are so close, well done on your hard work and perseverance. People will start to notice the changes in you and be inquisitive.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Your reputation is important to allow your career to grow. Be careful of what you get involved with as it could have a negative impact on future prospects. Showing you are a team player is critical at this time. A new love interest isn’t being truly honest about the strength of their feelings – they’ve got it bad!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
It’s a good idea to share your naughty thoughts with a new love interest when the time is right. It will open up a relationship without boundaries that will be mutually satisfying which is a great recipe for long term success as a couple. You may be considering going independent with work, research your market before jumping into it feet first.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You may be thinking of overhauling your health routine. Take advantage of a new class that is starting nearby, it will not only be good for your waistline it will also put you in touch with some undiscovered friends. If you’re in a relationship, consider sharing a long held fantasy and watch the sparks crackle once again. If you’re single then don’t try too hard, keep them guessing and allow them to chase you a little.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Listen to your heart as it will let you know what is truly right for you. It could mean that you need to put more effort into your significant other or it could tell you what you already know, that the relationship is struggling. If you are single, you will quickly realise that someone you’ve just met is the one for you! Don’t cancel plans at the last minute if you can help it, try your best to go as you will enjoy it.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Are you feeling that your needs are being unmet, Leo? If so, you need to make yourself a priority for once. Speak to family members about concerns you have for an elderly relative and see if you can come up with a plan to alleviate loneliness. Plan a trip where you will get to be in nature, even in the colder months it can be a rejuvenating experience, just wrap up warm!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You are feeling extra playful and spontaneous this week, Leo. This will bring an interesting mix of social engagements with friends and new acquaintances. You will meet someone that stops you in your tracks and make you question everything about what you thought you wanted in a partner. These encounters don’t come around very often and you should open your heart and mind to this new connection.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You don’t have to face life’s challenges alone, Leo. Reach out to a trusted friend or colleague and share your worries. Two minds are better than one and a solution can be found. Your desire to have a much needed break is closer than you think. An authority figure will show interest in you in you romantically though it may take you quite some time to figure this out!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will have much energy and focus this week Leo. Put into place an action plan to achieve your goal and watch yourself smash it! You think someone is slipping away from you, but the opposite is true, don’t over analyse a flippant comment as it is a waste of time and emotion. Number 8 will be lucky for you this week and the colour blue will be significant.