Leo – 9th May to 15th May – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Someone whom you had thought of as a friend will seem to be very opinionated and a bit controlling, and as a result you will think about playing down your friendship with them. Activities relating to keeping fit and mobile will keep you very interested and you will make a new friend who has similar interests in this area. Family will have to be patient with you, as you will have to rearrange something that will affect them.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be concerned about one member of your family’s behaviour, but feel reluctant to raise the issue in case it makes things worse. You will feel a sudden impulse to de-clutter or just throw some items out. Maybe it is getting rid of the past. You will decide to have some beauty procedures done which will make you feel quite glamorous. A friend will ask you to go out with them this weekend, which will be a nice change.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be concerned about someone’s welfare that is quite close to you. You will feel that you should help one member of your family a bit more but find it difficult to do so. You will what to get a book to read that is a specialty in some way but might find it difficult to track it down. You will decide to book a short break and really look forward to it, as you know that you need to re-charge your batteries.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
The finances will tick over, and some unexpected benefit will warm your heart. A friend will have a good idea about sharing some kind of heating, maybe both sharing the same home or taking turns in using energy, something like that. You will be invited out to dinner with friends, which will be a bit unexpected. You will have a retail therapy day with a friend and spend more than you had intended.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will think about arranging a holiday, but you will wonder whether it will all be worth it at the end of the day. You will feel a bit guilty as you have not visited someone for a while and arrange something soon. You will put off sorting something out with a vehicle. Don’t leave it too long! You will decide to change a room round a bit and spend some money on accessories. Friends will try and persuade singles to go on a dating site.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
An unexpected visitor will surprise you this weekend. You will sort out some bills that have been worrying you and sort out a new budget for yourself to follow. Then the finances will tick over nicely if you keep a sharp eye on it. A friend will want to talk to you about booking a short break or a holiday for later on in the year. A visit to a café will lead to you making a new friend.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be very pleased by how a relative behaves this weekend. Be careful or you could break something in the kitchen that you really like. Something that you want to sell could fetch quite a lot more money than you think. You will search for something in the clothesline that you have seen and would like to buy. A friend will try a bit of match making but you will put them off, as you will not feel ready to go for it at the moment.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be quite surprised by how someone behaves this weekend. You will feel that someone has gone to a lot of trouble for you, and you will be grateful. You will be invited out for a meal this weekend but be in two minds whether to go or not. A walk with friends will make you feel good this weekend. You will have to arrange to get something mended or changed round in your home.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
An arrangement at the weekend may well have to be changed in some way much to your irritation. A trip to the dentist is on the cards. You will be pleased when a friend asks you out for a meal. Singles will think about joining a club or maybe even a dating agency. Someone in your family will bring you flowers. You will feel pressure from someone who wants his or her own way.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
A long-term running feud will at last take a turn for the better, making you feel relieved. You will ask around to see who would like to see a particular film with you this weekend. You will explore one aspect of your cooking and decide to try it out on someone close to you. You will be tempted to buy some new makeup and toiletries that you have not used before to see if they really do improve things!!