Leo – 26th September to 2nd October – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel that someone is taking you for granted and decide to have a word with them about it. You will long for a quiet weekend so that you can chill out and recharge your batteries, but it looks like someone else has a different idea!! You will be pleased when you receive an invite for dinner and decide to buy something new to wear for when you go. The finances will look up and a small cash amount out of the blue will put a smile on your face.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Work will seem to be quite stressful, and you will try and talk with someone about it, but you will feel that you are not getting anywhere. A friend will ask you if you would like to go to London for a weekend and you will be very tempted. You will feel that someone is trying to sabotage your diet or your way of eating. You will think about buying something made of wood for your home and you will look at the Internet to see if you can see something that you really like.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel that life is in a bit of a rut where you are concerned and wish for something good and exciting to happen for a change. Well, it does look as if your dreams are about to come true. It looks as if a little unexpected money is also on the horizon. You will decide to buy something that will save you money energy-wise after talking with a friend about it. You will shortly have an invite to some kind of party or event.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will decide to buy something to wear that is not your usual buy and wonder if it will look ok, so you will ask a friend what she thinks about it. You will think about updating something in your kitchen. You will wonder whether to move from where you are living. It does look like a friend or relative would like to live with you if they had the chance. A small amount of cash out of the blue will cheer you up.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel betrayed in some way by someone who has said things about you to others. However, it does look like a storm in a teacup so it will blow over. You will be pleased when some gives you a small present out of the blue. However, do not be tempted to lend someone some money, as it would be a long time coming back, if at all. Not much on the romance front for the single person, but plenty of new friends on the horizon.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel much happier with yourself when you realize that someone else is on your side. An invitation to a party or dinner or some kind of function where there is food will go down very well. You will have to sort out a worrying bill and the sooner that you do it the better it will be for you, and it will alleviate the stress that you feel. You will feel the need to retreat and chill out this weekend.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will be quite pleased with yourself how you have progressed in a hobby. An invitation to someone’s home will have you feeling a bit uncertain whether to go or not. You will feel that someone at work is being deliberately awkward, but you will still to your guns. You will be pleased when someone gives you a recommendation about an exciting book. Singles will have the chance to meet someone new in a park.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Something is coming where you will have to sort out something where a vehicle is concerned. You will have to make a fairly quick decision about it. You will be pleased with some makeup or toiletries that you will buy. You will be annoyed with someone who you will feel is trying to sabotage your diet. An old friend will try and contact you with the hope that you can re-kindle your relationship.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Recent developments at work will leave you feeling a bit irritable and restless. You will browse the Internet with a view to buying a piece of furniture. It seems that you will toy with the idea of joining a dating site or some sort of club that will potentially increase your social life in some way. You will arrange to go out for dinner this weekend and it does look like that someone is going to give you some flowers to.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You will feel a bit taken for granted at work by one particular person and have a think about how you are going to deal with it. A large bill will put you out a bit, but it will all work out for the best somehow in the long run. A family member will come up with some kind of deal that will benefit them mostly. However, you will think about it as it could make things easier for you in some way.