Leo – 17th February to 23rd February – Elizabeth Rose
Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You may be feeling more private about your life and happy to be in your own company. Whilst short term this is fine, it’s not really you, is it? Ensure you don’t hide away for too long as it will make things tricky to bounce back to your usual, enigmatic self. Have a look at alternative stress management techniques to help you through difficult moments.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Your curiosity will awaken this week paving the way for you to ask questions of loved ones. Their answers will be illuminating and finally the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. You will tackle a difficult topic with a partner but you will feel a renewed sense of faith when you listen to what they have to say.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Group projects will be successful this week and you should encourage yourself to engage in this type of work more often. Long term dreams and goals take time to materialise, small steps lead to big changes so don’t compare your journey to someone else’s. Look at creating a more holistic approach to your health to iron out little niggles and tiredness.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You are heading towards a transformative experience which will shape your life going forwards. This will make you question what you believe to be true and allow a different way of thinking to enter your conscience. As well as inviting inner peace you will also find ways of managing stress which will be very effective. If you’re looking for ‘the one’ then search in unusual surroundings.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Life is there for living, so take your time and don’t rush through what you perceive to be the boring bits. There is so much pleasure to be had in the simple things in life so slow down and really take in your surroudings or occasion. It will make you realise that there’s joy to be had in ways you’ve never imagined before.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You should set the ball rolling around a promotion or new job role this week. It’s possible you could stay within the company that you are with now if you show them, you have the skills to step up. A transformtion takes time so don’t rush into changing too many things all at once, take a holistic approach to your health, slow down and changes can and will be made this year.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Initiate a conversation with a co worker about their struggles and offer solutions. They will be so grateful that you did. You will impress the higher ups with an idea that will change the way you work for the better, and will involved a significant cost saving measure, too. Don’t be shy in speaking up, your views will be welcomed and listened to.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
As one door closes another one opens, Leo. Be more assertive this year and make sure you follow your dreams. Staying put for the sake of others will not bring you the peace of mind you are looking for. A career is beckoning that’s perfect for you if only you are brave enough to make the leap into unknown territory. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
You don’t need the validation of friends and family to enjoy yourself this Christmas time. As it stands, you are loved and appreciated more than you will ever know. Be confident when in groups of people that you may not know too well as everyone is just looking to fit in, too. A special present will leave you feeling hot under the collar!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
It is time to reignite the flame in an existing relationship. Things have gotten tired and you’ve stopped investing in your long term future. It’s understandable in this busy world that we live in to ignore the needs of others as demands come from elsewhere. Try to change this and put you and your relationship back to being the number one priority.